English Versions


On this page we are adding the English versions of the messages for the collective which I receive from the spirit world. 
Please don't mind the grammar and vocabulary! We attempt to stay as close as possible to the original messages.

March 16th 2022 Ashtar Sheran

Come to your peace!

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    I greet you, dear human souls. I, Ashtar Sheran.

    Your star brothers and sisters and I are so grateful for the light you send out. You are so important. 

    With each loving choice you make, waves of peace and love spread from your hearts to a world that needs these calming vibrations. 

    A simple decision of yours to send out light and love can be that calming wave that calms a heart that was about to fire a gun and kill another human being, a brother or sister of yours.

    A prayer that the light may rise in most wounded hearts can be the wave of light that creates a moment of consciousness sufficient to end a whole series of painful events. 

    You, dear human souls, can turn it all around, towards peace and away from war and struggle. 

    Continue with your joint prayers. Continue with your manifestations.

    Be sure, the divine plan will unfold.

    Keep on trusting.

    In the presence of all the negativity you hear or see, try to hold on to the truth. Maintain the consciousness of truth, regardless of events near or far. 

    Your level of consciousness is what allows the truth to always be available to you. And the truth reminds you that you are free, that you are divine, that you are creators. That is how it has always been and that is how it will always be. 

    Dear human souls, pray that all souls who want war will allow the light of love to rise within them. Pray that they remember that they too are loved by God. Pray also for the leaders of this world, that they may be filled with light, love, wisdom, compassion, grace and mercy. 

    And, dear human souls, pray also for yourselves. Pray that you have the power to be ambassadors of peace. You can be the peace you manifest to see, provided you have also created peace within yourself.

    Therefore, keep looking within. Come into your peace in small ways as well as in big ways. I know we have told you this many times and yet, it is important to hear it again and again.

    You can be the ones who turn this volatile world situation around.

    You can be the ones whose decision not to engage in anger, hate or fear saves lives.

    You are so important, so powerful, so much of importance.

    Right now your planet needs your peace, your peaceful, light and loving prayers and manifestations. With every choice not to fall into hate, you weaken the vibration of hate and strengthen the vibration of compassion and love. With every choice to pray for the hateful, hurting souls in the world, you bring your planet closer to the divine light.

    You are so important. 

    Choose peace out of love for your Mother Earth and for the many lives that dwell on her.

    You are the peaceful light warriors.

    On behalf of all your star brothers and sisters, I would like to bless you now and thank you once again for your courage, for your love, for your light.

    We love you so much and support you in your prayers, in your manifestations.

    We are with you.

    With deep love, Ashtar Sheran.

March 7th 2022 Archangel Chamuel

Manifest peace!

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    I greet you, dear humans.

    I, Archangel Chamuel.

    Many of you are asking yourselves, why am I here, in this difficult time?

    You are here, in this dimension, to be recipients of energies.

    You are here to anchor a new reality through your consciousness and understanding.

    You are here to receive messages from different galaxies.

    We from the spirit world and also our friends from other planets are sending out signals. And there are some among you who recognize these signals and are ready to become the receivers of our announcements.

    You have good opportunities to spread them.

    We feel your joy and gratitude for it.

    Dear humans, you are visionaries, pioneers. You are receivers. Pass on everything you receive. Everything serves the great whole.

    Your planet is on the threshold, on the edge of a transition to a completely new reality, even if it does not look like it on the outside.

    Allow yourselves to remain in trust.

    Be aware that you are sending out energies at all times through your thoughts, your feelings and your beliefs. And through this sending out, multiple realities are always possible. The energy that you are most focused on is the reality that manifests. Be aware of this.

    The collective consciousness of all people awakens, creates and invites the reality that each is experiencing and feeling. The more attention, the more energy focused on a particular outcome, the sooner and more fully it will manifest into the physical world.

    Many of you still do not recognize your personal power in the creation of what takes place in daily events.

    You may think that most global events, such as the current war, are too big and too overwhelming or too far away for you to be able to influence or take responsibility for this manifestation.

    But we call you to recognize that you have contributed in some way to this event. This is so. Do you understand this? Do you feel the truth?

    We would like to invite you now to step into your magnificent power as a multi-dimensional divine being here on your planet to create and call forth a new reality.

    If multi-parallel realities are available at all times, what would you like to experience or create? Peace? Love? Or what do you wish for?

    Imagine that there are multiple parallel realities waiting for your invitation.

    Allow yourself to feel, sense and experience these possibilities.

    Make this process as real as possible for yourself. Pay attention to how it makes you feel. Notice all the feelings that arise within you. Is there a difference between being in fear and manifesting love? Does it put you in a state of gratitude when you manifest peace and love?

    Perceive and know that the universe is supporting and helping you in this creation. 

    Expand your consciousness to imagine a different reality for your Earth.

    Allow yourselves to create another reality for your planet.

    Allow yourselves to feel this, to experience this, to hear about this, to read about this.

    Are you now getting a sense of what is possible, what powerful creators you are?

    You are the creators of your life.

    Realize this at all times.

    Whether it is war or peace, you are the creators.

    You are so powerful and therefore, manifest peace. Send light vibrations where they are urgently needed.

    Dear humans, now is the time. Now. Be aware of this.

    Dear humans, this is what I wanted to tell you today and I thank you that my receiver has recognized the signal.

    Thank you.

    With great love, your Archangel Chamuel.

February 17th 2022 Aaron

You are receiving a new operating system

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    Beloved surface humans, I greet you.

    I, Aaron from the Inner Earth.

    We from Inner Earth and the wonderful spiritual helpers, we are all with you. We are here to help you on your journey and guide you across the bridge into the fifth dimension.

    You can call us at any time, for anything you are stuck on. For example, when you feel something that is less than love.

    We are there. We will always surround you with our love and healing vibrations.

    We know this time is exhausting and exciting for all of you at the same time.

    You beloved surface humans, the end of the old world is near and you will soon enter a new world of peace and love. 

    Be assured that all light beings will enter this new world. 

    Many of your fellow beings who have not yet awakened will do so soon, in the near future, when the truth comes more and more to light.

    The awakening will also be triggered by the cosmic forces that are flooding your planet and stimulating you to awaken to the truth.

    There are already so many of you and you are becoming more every day.

    And this is what we have all been waiting for. This was the plan. To wake up. You should finally wake up again, remember. 

    And you have almost arrived. Trust and be patient a little longer. 

    And also be patient with your body. Your soul dwelling has not had it easy lately. The transition from the third dimension to the fifth requires a lot of strength, and besides, your planet has been bombarded with poisons from all sides for many years. Mankind itself has caused this. You know that. 

    Yes, and then there is also the little virus that causes such great fear. Fear makes you sick. The symptoms that many have been dealing with lately are very similar to the viral symptoms that you call flu. In truth, something else is at work here, the rays of the Central Sun. And as you are within these rays, you are experiencing so-called downloads almost daily. Every aspect of your body feels these rays, the solar flares, the vibrations of the other planets, and the ebb and flow of the lunar energies.

    Your body and mind need more time to adjust than your Higher Self. Aches and pains sometimes here, sometimes there. Cold symptoms of all kinds and especially fatigue come and go as you have never experienced before. 

    When one download has been dealt with, the next one is already coming, possibly bringing to the surface old issues that may have been deeply buried or repressed and now need to be finally clarified and cleared.

    On some days it can be that anger, fear, pain or sadness show up at the same time. 

    Beloved surface humans, these times will not last. Be patient. Continue to trust and above all, do not look away. Surrender to everything that wants to be mastered. It is worth it. You will soon have made it. Every day more lightworkers are awakening. And this was the plan. 

    There is so much more going on on your planet than you can imagine and so much more happening to your body than you can know.

    You are getting a new operating system, so to speak, that will allow you to live in the reality of the new Earth, much lighter, brighter, happier, more peaceful, more loving, and more full of light.

    You can look forward to this, you beloved surface humans. Soon the time will come and we will be with you with our love. We are with you.

    And I say goodbye and bless you.

    With great love, your Aaron.

February 14th 2022 Aaron

Meditation was our way into unconditional self-love.

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    I greet you, beloved surface humans. 

    I, Aaron from the Inner Earth.

    I am very happy that I may speak to you once again today. 

    Dear ones, you know that we in the Inner Earth live unconditional love. And with our love, we can support you, if you want that.

    I have already offered this several times.

    Many of you have been contacting us lately. That makes us very happy. And many ask how we live, what we do, or how we came into unconditional love.

    Beloved surface humans, this is a process. We have also had challenging times, with many bad experiences, strife, discord, and so on. That is why we can feel so much with you and that is why we want to help you.

    During this time, meditation has helped us. Yes, that's right, meditation. Over and over again. This brought us to ourselves and reminded us that we are divine beings and all came from love.

    Of course, this didn't happen overnight either. For this, we needed patience and trust in the power of meditation, in the power of looking inward, of becoming still.

    At some point, we realized that this is the way to come to peace, to inner peace, and thereby to peace for all. 

    If meditation is also a way for you, I would like to encourage you to do it. Start. Now, today. Don't put it off. Meditate as often as you can. Meditate and rest in the true nature of your being. Even when you are doing your work. Even then, dear ones.

    Meditation is seen by some as a means of asking God for something that he does not think he has. Never go into meditation with the intention of obtaining something you believe you do not have, for that will simply strengthen the belief in separation. Rather, let your meditation be a resting in the silent awareness of 'I have because I am'. 

    Meditation simply means that you allow yourself to rest in the realization of oneness with God.

    It is normal and natural for extraneous thoughts to arise while meditating. Accept it. Never fall into resistance or think that you cannot meditate because this happens. 

    Just let the thoughts rest or pass by without giving them attention or power, and continue to direct all your attention to silent awareness. 

    Do not look for lights, voices, or images that you have read or heard about, because that limits your personal experience.

    It may seem to you that nothing is happening when you meditate, but know that every time someone goes within with the intention to rest in the 'I am', something always happens on the deeper levels. And this is occurring.

    You beloved surface humans, sometime, sometime you are at this point, then you only need to close your eyes and you are in the silence, in the calm, in the inside and you get very quickly to your true essence, to your essence. That which you are, love. 

    And when that happens, when you get there, when you feel that love deep inside you, that peace, that's what you'll feel, that's unconditional love. It will spread in your body, in your energy bodies, in your whole being.

    You will live this love, you will radiate it and thereby awaken your fellow human beings. 

    This is a way to enter into love, dear surface humans. This has been our way.

    Therefore, I would like to encourage you to begin. It does not have to be difficult. It does not need structured sitting meditations. No, it can be easy. You can meditate anywhere, anytime. At home, in nature, during your free time and, as I said, even during your work. 

    All these would be just excuses for not having time. You always have time to meditate. 

    I encourage you to do it. This is the answer to your questions. This is how we have arrived at unconditional love.

    Beloved surface humans, we are very happy that you are contacting us and we bless you and our love is certain for you.

    I say goodbye in the name of all my brothers and sisters from the Inner Earth. 

    See you soon. Your loving Aaron.

January 20th 2022 Archangel Chamuel

LOVE is the great miracle cure behind every miracle.

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    I greet you, beloved human beings.

    I, Archangel Chamuel.

    I am very happy that I can speak to you once again today.

    You all feel the current intensity of vibration on your beloved Earth. The high-frequency light energies from the higher dimensions that are constantly reaching you are churning and exposing the dark, dense energies that lie hidden.

    Everything will be exposed sooner or later and dissolve into nothingness. 

    That is the plan, dear ones. Therefore, you must not sit back and wait for a certain event to occur, the New Era, as you call it.

    The Divine Plan has been activated and is unfolding as it must for the highest and best good of all. 

    All of you who feel you are Lightworkers, your task is, among other things, to hold the Light of Truth and at the same time trust that everything is going according to plan with you personally and collectively. This means that you are aware that despite all the challenges, externally and internally, in reality, everything is already perfect and whole.

    I know this is not easy for some of you to believe, but it is the truth.

    Begin to manifest. 

    We know you are tired.

    Don't try to compare the present with the past and long for everything to go back to the way it was.

    The past is finished and has served to bring the world to where it is now, ready for the new and higher.

    Times are changing rapidly and some things that were acceptable last year are now perceived as no longer right or appropriate.

    Dear human beings, trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this time, right now at this moment. Even if some things are not as you would like or expected.

    I want to encourage you, to embrace this special time, because it is the reason you chose to be here. You wanted to clear the way for others and illuminate it.

    Know that every human being strives for peace and happiness. Many continue to look for it where they believe it exists. Exactly, on the outside. 

    In reality, the striving for fulfillment on all levels is the longing of the soul to be recognized and acknowledged and to reunite in Oneness. This too is certain.

    Every human being will eventually awaken to Oneness. 

    However, the evolutionary journey requires many learning experiences, which in a dimension of time and space means going through many incarnations. This is also certain. Most of you hearing this message are already very close to this awareness and insight.

    The realization of Oneness begins with awareness and remembrance. 

    In the beginning, Oneness may be expressed as a desire, and gradually it is joined by the strong force of love, for oneself and for everything and everyone.

    When this is so, then finally you begin to realize that the one, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient divine consciousness has always expressed itself in every living being.

    Simply because the divine consciousness is all that exists.

    Beloved human beings, this consciousness of the One is what constitutes unconditional love. And this unconditional, non-judgmental love is what must be lived and felt. Yes, must, for oneself and for everything and everyone. 

    And that is exactly what is in store for you in your new year. This is exactly what each announcement wants to tell you until the majority of you human beings have internalized it.

    Then, dear human beings, great things can happen. You know that love is the great miracle agent behind all miracles. 

    Every change happens through love. 

    Therefore, we will speak to you again and again, tirelessly reminding you and supporting you  - if you want it.

    Beloved human beings, I bless you.

    In great love and solidarity, 

    your Archangel Chamuel.

December 30th 2021 Aaron

Center yourselves!

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    You beloved surface humans.

    I greet you. I, Aaron from the Inner Earth.

    A new year begins and it will bring again an intensity of events. That is the reality. And it will disturb some and definitely disturb those who are not yet aware of the spiritual change of the Earth, who are in fear and thus have a lack of love and trust.

    Stay centered, dear ones.

    Keep your light in spite of everything, because by doing so you add a vibration to the collective that makes the fear smaller and gives way to hope and trust. You know it. In this way, with your light, you support your fellow human beings who are still asleep. Simply by being. Simply through your being. 

    You are the light. You are the power. And you are the energy that serves to make others feel a deeper awareness, the truth about themselves.

    Do not try to resist challenges that may arise. And do not strive to meet them with tools from the third dimension. When negative thoughts and old programming arise, simply recognize them for what they are: old programming that you have outgrown. And already they lose their power. 

    Sometimes this is also a test from the spiritual world whether you are centered. 

    Maybe you take some time to review the old year and all the ways you have grown, changed, and constantly raised your vibration.

    You can truly be proud of yourselves.

    Your world is changing, even if it is going too slowly for you. Even if you can only see the seed of the change.

    Dear surface humans, believe in these seeds. Believe that they will grow and flourish. Believe in the new world. Manifest it to yourselves. We can perceive it.

    Be patient and do not give up. 

    The new world will be dominated by the heart and not by the mind.

    And for that, more people have to come into a new consciousness. But it is happening, dear surface humans. Hour by hour, day by day, week by week. 

    And all this is your merit. Your perseverance, your unconditional trust, your light, and above all your non-judgmental love.

    Remind yourselves of this tirelessly:

    High vibrational frequencies always dissolve the low vibrational ones. The dark, the darkness, is not reality but simply the absence of light and love.

    Those who are very invested in the dark nourish it - perhaps unconsciously, perhaps some consciously. 

    But you who have awakened to the truth need not fear these things. For it is only the belief in them that gives them power.

    Each new insight adds light to the consciousness of the world.

    Without the high frequencies of light that many souls have already brought and that others continue to bring to Earth, the evolution of humanity would take much longer.

    Dear surface humans, the present time represents a conclusion but it is not yet the finale. There is still some work to be done. 

    And with this, I say goodbye to you for today, you beloved surface humans.

    In deep love, your Aaron from the Inner Earth.

December 20th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

We bow before your light.

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    You beloved light sparks. I, Archangel Gabriel, have come today in the name of all my brothers and sisters, all beings in Inner Earth, and all beings who have come here from other planets to support you.

    We would like to bow before you today, before your light, your love, and all your light work.

    We would like to wish you a happy, sacred time of light today.

    And we bow to you, to you, the pioneers in a wondrous new world that is still in process and in the throes of birth.

    We bow to you as the lights in the darkness and we bless your willingness to embrace all your fears, your upsets, your challenges and to keep bringing to life the miracle of light that burns within you.

    You are the brightest lights on God's tree.

    You are lights in the darkness.

    You are the sparks that will eventually ignite a beautiful and bright flame of love in the human race.

    Enjoy your holidays.

    Slow down.

    Have a rest.

    You have earned it.

    Enjoy every moment.

    Gather your energy.

    You are needed, dear ones.

    We celebrate you and the birth of your light in every moment.

    We bless you.

    We bow to you, you wonderful light sparks.

    We love you so much.

    Enjoy the time.

    See you soon.

    Your Archangel Gabriel.

December 13th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

Don't underestimate your value.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, beloved light sparks.

    It is I, Archangel Gabriel.

    Some time ago we thought and shared that everything was said. Maybe everything has been said and yet I am here today and I am very happy that our medium is also ready.

    Dear light sparks. We feel you still need some support. You are too confused to make it on your own. 

    We are here. We and many others are helping you to cope with the last years of turmoil and also to encourage you again and again.

    Look forward to a new way of being. A way of being that you know. It only requires remembrance. 

    You beloved light sparks. Do not underestimate your value on this earth. Never underestimate your power to do good, to direct the balance of energies toward the light, and to feel the love flowing to you, through you, and within you.

    With every act of love, joy, and gratitude, you are such valuable light workers. 

    Yes, you know the power of love, this strong vibration. 

    You also know the vibration of joy. You know how strong it is.

    And don't underestimate the vibration of gratitude. Gratitude is a very important part of higher consciousness. It is more than just an expression. It is an energetic process that helps you reach higher frequencies. 

    Each step of gratitude brings you into harmony with higher dimensions and with all that is.

    Gratitude helps you into a natural and gentle process of coming into a state of higher consciousness.

    Dear ones, it is so simple.

    Your main task is to continue to shine, to continue to live gratitude, to continue to let your high-frequency, path-breaking light flow into the world. This light that can be like a lighthouse in the mist.

    And once again, remember. You are powerful souls. You are capable of manifesting everything for the highest good. 

    The time of manifestation has come.

    You know this. You can do it. You just have to practice it.

    You know there is no savior coming to change your world. You have to do it for yourselves. First on the inside and then on the outside.

    You have practiced loving yourselves for years and many of you have achieved this.

    But, dear light sparks, now is the time to learn to love every single soul on your planet, even the so-called dark ones. For without them you might not have awakened. 

    It is now time for all souls to come together in love. 

    In truth, all souls have come to Earth with the mission of preparing this new wonderful world of love for all. 

    Many of you have awakened to this mission and others may still be asleep, just as you once were. And it is those who are still sleeping who need your love. 

    Be sure, everyone who has once awakened will not fall asleep again.

    Bless everyone, love everyone. That is your task at this time.

     Love everyone and everything and everybody.

    Unite in your groups of like-minded souls and other souls will be attracted by your energies.

    In the midst of your crisis and change, a new consciousness is being born and you are all part of that consciousness.

    Tune into the newness and allow the wisdom that is within you to be fully there to guide you. 

    You are all on this journey together, which is both an individual journey and a collective journey.

    And I tell you again, you are not alone.

    You have many supporters and helpers around you. More than you might think. There are also very wonderful, loving beings from other planets on your Earth. They are waiting for the right moment. They also help you with your birth into a new way of being, into a new world, into the consciousness that everything is love.

    You beloved light sparks, we have said all this many times. But, I think it is important to hear it again and again. And that is why we will keep coming back to tell you what the situation is, what you can do, and to encourage you.

    Beloved light sparks, see you soon.

    Your Archangel Gabriel.

November 11th 2021 Aaron

Focus on what you want to create.

Live the divine sexuality.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear surface humans.

    I, Aaron from the Inner Earth.

    Today I would like to talk about love again, as I have done so many times before. And I would like to gently remind you with all the love that is in my being, you were not created to react, to survive. You were created to create, to thrive. 

    Allow the love within you to inform your cells and call them to work for you in the greatest harmony. You can choose what you focus on at any time. Why not focus on the reality of love? With love within you, you can create anything, make anything a reality. Be aware of this, again and again. This is the difference from the third dimension to the fourth or the fifth. 

    In the third dimension, you have felt long enough that you cannot change anything. Having to accept everything as the truth or reality, having to deal with it.

    That, dear ones, is 3D.

    Put your focus on what you want to create. With the focus of love flowing there, everything can become reality. And when the 3D world sways you once again, straighten up, realign with love, embrace yourself, perceive yourself with gratitude, focus on the world you want to create and you are far away from 3D thinking once again.

    You beloved surface humans, realize: your thoughts are your tools, your feelings are your guides. 

    Never forget that as a divine being you are creators and if you focus on the truth, the reality, it can manifest not only in you but also in the collective.

    It is high time that the mind takes the smaller role and your superconsciousness, your Higher Self takes the lead.

    Dear ones, allow this process, allow it. Use every day to practice the truth.

    Now is the time to hold on to the truth and live each day in the conscious realization of your true identity as all Source.


    The increase of love and the sense of Oneness in world consciousness is about to uplift and influence all species and the realm of plants, animals, natural forces, as well as that of humans.

    This will lead to a collective consciousness that respects humanity's sacred obligation to love, protect and cherish all life on Lady Gaia.

    It is long overdue.

    As personal and global consciousness evolves into the frequency of truth, much of the old will simply dissolve. 

    The dark, dense energies that have held on to much can no longer exist in the presence of higher and lighter frequencies.

    You beloved surface humans, that is how it is.

    And as I said, I will not tire of telling you this over and over again:

    We in Inner Earth love you so much.

    And that is why I have another topic today, which I would like to address briefly. 

    It is about your sexuality. Yes, a different topic for a change.

    In the 3D world, love and sex are lumped together. The false, limiting concepts of the various religions have unfortunately manipulated the collective mind. They have turned natural, healthy, human sexuality into a source of shame, guilt, and fear. 

    This is a pity. Therefore, dear surface humans, awaken. Remember the ancient knowledge, the truth about divine sexuality. It feels different. It was taught in many ancient scriptures.

    Those of you who know the spiritual truth about it bring love and respect to your sexual relationship, not just physical gratification.

    Relationships lived at this level of consciousness have the potential to lift both partners into a higher dimension.

    Lived divine sexuality assists in ascension. 

    Dear ones, this is also a very important aspect of the new time. Rethink your sexuality. Change it. Make it what it is meant to be. Educate yourselves. Remember.

    Beloved surface humans, this is it for today.

    I say goodbye with deep love.

    Your Aaron.

October 29th 2021 Archangel Chamuel

Make use of your gifts.

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    You beloved human beings.

    It is me once again, Archangel Chamuel.

    How are you?

    Perhaps you are thinking: The spiritual world knows how we are.

    Yes, that's right, we know how you are and yet we wonder a bit about you.

    We wonder why you don't make use of the strong, new energy waves more often. They would help you a lot.

    And above all, this wonderful gift from the Inner Earth. The love that flows from the Inner Earth, which has been made available to you. Why don't you help yourselves? All this would support you very much.

    We from the spirit world are very happy about this gift from your friends and also from ours.

    The love from the Inner Earth connects quite wonderfully with our love, with the divine love.

    Dear human beings, what are you waiting for?

    The table is set. What is the reason that you are not reaching for it? Are you not worthy of it? Or are you still not aware that love is the way to change?

    What is holding you back?

    Perhaps you might once again feel deeply within. Which resistances are still there? Feelings of lack, guilt, oaths, or vows? Research, look within. Dissolve old paradigms. Dissolve old beliefs. Yes, this is all old. It no longer fits the new times.

    You have it in your hands to free your inner self. If you can't do it on your own, then let us help you. Do not wait any longer. It is time for you to become active. The help on the outside is there. 

    Love is available in abundance. You only need to reach out. 

    Become more and more aware of these things. 

    Become aware that everything is ONE.

    You are the pioneers. Go ahead.

    Your awakened consciousness will attract your brothers and sisters. Those who are ready to take another step. Those who want to hear what you can tell them, what is happening personally and globally.

    The present conditions are forcing many people to experience a sense of unity for the first time. This is the positive part of your story. 

    You, beloved human beings, are witnessing the birth of a higher feeling of love in the collective mind. The feeling of connectedness. Unfortunately for many human souls a new feeling, or a feeling they had forgotten.

    And yet, be certain, you are already more than you think. And you are exactly where you planned to be before your incarnation.

    Your planet is filling more and more with awakened souls who have chosen to support and experience Earth's transition to a higher frequency. What you are witnessing is a world that is experiencing the powerful and painful birth pangs necessary to give birth to a new consciousness based on love.

    Grant this process together and maintain your light, despite all personal and global external appearances.

    Dear ones, and trust your intuition, that silent inner knowing that flows out from within and that will guide you, if you allow it, in every aspect of your life. For this, you may be willing to turn away from the distractions that still keep you from hearing your inner voice.

    Those human souls who spend every waking moment on their cell phones, listening to the news, or even have plugs in their ears most of the time, will not hear their inner knowing, their inner voice, and then wonder why.

    You know it, intuition is heard in the silence and no matter how aware and awakened you already are, you too keep examining your current lifestyle and see if you yourself are also overhearing spiritual guidance every now and then. 

    Guidance comes only occasionally and is not a loud voice. It is rather soft and gentle. It feels warm and true.

    You beloved human beings, be alert and attentive to yourselves as well.

    Turn off the television more often and go into silence. This will raise your vibration and expand your consciousness. 

    Or connect with people of the same frequency, meditate and breathe together. 

    Breathe consciously. 

    Connect with the Inner Earth through your feet and consciously breathe in the love of the Inner Earth. 

    And then remember, thank your friends for this help, for this support, for their love. Try to make this a ritual, alone or together and you will soon be able to feel a very wonderful result. 

    So many things are possible. You will be astonished and amazed. Get active, keep at it and you will all rise like Phoenix from the ashes. Take this to heart. It is very important.

    You beloved human beings. I say goodbye now.

    With great love, your Archangel Chamuel.

October 16th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

Connect yourselves with us and feel who you are.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear light sparks.

    I, Archangel Gabriel.

    We are always connected to you in a common field of love, warmth, and clarity.

    And I would like to ask you to connect again and again, very consciously, with this field, so that you can feel the core of your true home, feel who you are.

    Dear light sparks, the core of who you are is living consciousness. A light that can manifest in many ways and in many forms.

    Your soul within you wants to be in the light and also in the dark. 

    Your soul wants to experience everything.

    It needs this experience in order to be only love and light at some point.

    Feel now in this moment deeply into yourselves. Where are you, you who are listening to this message right now? Are you in the darkness or in the light? It is always your decision. Yes, you have it in your own hands, where you want to stand, what you think.

    You dear light sparks, you know it. You will never solve the problems of your world by complaining about them, getting upset about them, or even trying to make others think differently.

    All this is a waste of your precious life forces. It only keeps you from experiencing the divine power that creates entire universes. The power that wants to flow through your own creative heart when you direct your thoughts in love.

    Free your mind.

    Focus on your light, on your creative power, and on your love.

    Stand up for the ideals you wish for others and live by them.

    We have said it many times, do not give your power to others.

    Dear ones, the Divine lives and breathes within you.

    When you give your attention to something else that you care for or that you love, you allow the Divine to flow through you and empower that very thing.

    So I say it again: raise your vibration and direct your mind to that which is light, to that which you love.

    Then, dear ones, you will connect with countless others in an even higher vibration, and through that, you will become creators of the world you desire with all your heart.

    We know that deep inside you wish for a world of peace, connectedness, togetherness, truth, and love.

    This, dear light sparks, is all possible and depends on your next point of focus and thought.

    Currently, the majority is focused on the statistics that are presented to you. You are told day after day how many people are sick or how many die. 

    What do you think, wouldn't it make sense if you put your awareness on the huge amount of people who are healing, to the billions of people who are healthy, and to those who are also actively doing something for their health, such as intuitive nutrition or beneficial exercise?

    Feed yourselves positive statistics and thoughts. 

    Focus on everyone's well-being and on yourselves.

    Be the change you all desire in your deepest hearts.

    Be the tower of light.

    The light for a bridge into the new time.

    This, dear ones, was important for me to tell you today. I know all this has been said many times before, but we feel it is not often enough.

    The focus is allowed to change, to continue to raise the vibration. That is the most important thing.

    Dear light sparks, see you soon.

    Your Archangel Gabriel who loves you.

October 1st 2021 Archangel Gabriel

Look for power spots.

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    I greet you, dear light sparks.

    I, Archangel Gabriel.

    Yes, it is me once again and I am very happy to be allowed to speak to you.

    Yes, you are right. It is true. We are repeating ourselves. And yet we do not tire. It hasn't been enough. Just not enough have awakened yet. 

    Dear light sparks. Be aware of your true greatness. 

    Remember your origin, your original self, which is always present. It is within you. 

    Remember your original self, which was free from struggle, fear, control, etc. 

    Feel your original joyfulness, lightness. 

    Remember. Dig it out and live it. You are allowed to do that. 

    God does not want anything else. 

    Allow yourselves. Live your original self. 

    You are bringing a new consciousness into the field because your heart is opened and your compassion is perceived with all the people of the third dimension and all the duality and contradictions it brings. 

    You are the pioneers of the new time. The intention of creation is that you let your energy, your light flow to the Earth, but with respect for the free will of all living beings there. 

    You are constantly receiving new, powerful vibrations through the Earth's magnetic grid. Use them. Use these special days to refuel yourselves. You absolutely need this in order to be able to do your soul task. 

    One of your greatest challenges is to learn to maintain your light, your consciousness, without becoming entangled with the fear-based vibrations of the third dimension. 

    And one more thing, dear light sparks: 

    You may accept the wonderful gift of the loving beings of Inner Earth. Let yourselves be touched by the people who have already accepted this gift. It will be a sacred touch that you will never forget. It is available to all who are ready for it.

    Dear light sparks, this gift brings you closer to change. Everything, including this, happens according to your free will. You decide. 

    Many of you have the desire to get in touch with us or with the Inner Earth. Therefore, I say to you, seek out places of power. There are many on your planet. You will immediately feel the impulse of love and clarity there. As soon as you are in such a place, you will feel it. Very old, positive energies are preserved there, going back to a very old source of wisdom, and yet they are new and fresh, like clear water from a spring that is constantly renewing itself. Your memory will be awakened or deepened. Remember that when you are in such a place, your consciousness will connect with the energy field present there so that the source that is present there can find a way into your world. 

    Therefore, go in search of such wonderful places. All the places of power that you visit should remind you of who you are. Fill up, receive this ancient knowledge, these energies and thus you will not only be recipients but also transmitters.

     By making contact with your roots that have been preserved there, the light within you will begin to shine even brighter and you will be able to express your soul energy in a contemporary way. It will just happen, just through your being. 

    And in these places it is very easy to get in contact with us or also with the Inner Earth. Don't give up. 

    You wonderful, courageous souls, we bow to you, to your courage, to your deep trust and your light, and we rejoice in every step that leads you to your chosen mastery.

    With deep love, I say goodbye now.

    Your Archangel Gabriel.

September 18th 2021 Aaron

You are currently undergoing the most agonizing and wonderful experience of your incarnation.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear surface humans.

    I, Aaron, from the Inner Earth. I thank you for listening to me. 

    We in Inner Earth continue to be deeply connected to you. We feel for you in this time that you are still in. I think you are going through the most agonizing yet wonderful experience of your lives. 

    You brave lightworkers, try to keep this perspective in the coming enlightening weeks, maybe months. 

    Some of you find yourselves as if in a birth canal. It's narrow and you don't know what to expect. But the light can already be glimpsed or even seen. 

    You, dear surface humans, you are being transformed into the stewards of the birth of the new time and thus also into the guardians of the new time. You are in the middle of it. Even if your mind does not understand it. This is very clear to your soul. Trust your soul, your original core, because it will guide you safely. 

    Once the fog of illusion has cleared, you will know that your intuition was right and that any pain of birth was more than worth the result. 

    Dear surface humans, there is nothing you cannot create and nothing you cannot transform. Keep reminding yourselves of who you are. Appeal to your strength, your courage, your clarity and your truth. Your confidence is your steadfast guide, the best. 

    There is nothing to fear. Consider the whole outside as a test on one side and as a strengthening of your faith on the other. Your victory is assured. That is certain. 

    Before that, however, there is still something to do. Before that, everything that does not harmonize with love must and should be cleared up. 

    Also be aware of the disrespect for Mother Earth and all her life on it. Bad things have been done to her and are still being done to her by the majority of people. And it is the most urgent task of all to transform all this. It is high time, as you say so beautifully. 

    Also this, you dear surface humans, is an enormous reason to raise your vibration again and again and to increase it. Through these frequency increases the veils can fall, the fogs will say goodbye and it will become clearer and clearer what is at stake. 

    The global matrix may be transformed, the new matrix may form. The collective mass consciousness must change. 

    And this can happen, dear surface humans, through you. Yes, you have heard correctly. Send your vibration into the morphogenetic field. Send your truth into the field, clearly and distinctly. Become pioneers. Model it for others. Be like a beacon of light to your fellow human beings who are not yet awake. Your light will reach them and shake them awake. It is time. There is nothing left to postpone. Become active. Everyone for himself in such a way, as his abilities allow. That is what you have them for. Everyone has gifts. Dig them out. Remember them. Become aware of your ability again. Be active. It is essential. 

    Surely you realize why everyone is calling your attention to your frequency increase. Without this increase in vibration, you will not move forward, you will remain stuck in the birth canal, so to speak, or rather, you will remain in the third dimension. 

    And there is something else, you dear surface humans. Your DNA, which has been working for you on the back burner for so long. It's time for the twelve-strand DNA to be activated again. You need it. And this also happens through the constant frequency increase and, very importantly, through living in unconditional love. This is the way. There is no other way if you have the plan to move forward. 

    I tell you this from the deepest knowledge, because we have also walked this path. This is one reason why we want to seek you out and support and help you. We also had helpers at that time. 

    And now once again to the beginning: You are experiencing the most agonizing and also most wonderful experience of this incarnation of yours. 

    That's how it is, dear ones. 

    And now I say goodbye. 

    In the name of all my brothers and sisters. 

    Your loving Aaron.

September 18th 2021 Aaron

We will actively help you. You will receive our vibration of unconditional love.

  • Transcription

    Dear surface humans. It is me again, Aaron from the Inner Earth. 

    After the last message I sat down with my brothers and sisters and it became very clear to us: We also have to become active now. Actively help you. We cannot continue waiting until you call us. 

    Many people on your Earth have already contacted us. And still we would like to be active helpers now. It has been planned for a long time and now the time has come. 

    You need our vibration. All of you who are ready for it. You need our vibration, in which we live. The vibration of unconditional love. We also had active helpers and now it's our turn. 

    We love you so much and it is clear to us, now is the time. 

    And that is why the people who have been in contact with us for many years will receive an initiation in the next few days, maybe weeks. They will receive our vibration. 

    They are people who will be able to take this, who are already very far. Most of them are in the fifth dimension and they will be able to integrate our vibration quite wonderfully. Others who are not quite there yet will find it strange in one way or another, but only for a moment. Our vibration is gentle, loving, yet powerful. 

    Yes, this initiation, will take place soon and it is so that all who come in contact with these people will perceive this vibration simply through their being. They too will absorb this vibration as it is good for them. In exactly this measure, as it is good for them. 

    Dear surface humans, you know it, love will bring the transformation. And that is why we are helping you in our own way. And we look forward to it. 

    See you soon. 

    With deep love, your Aaron.

August 28th 2021 Aaron

You are the guideposts.

  • Transcription

    Dear surface humans, I greet you - I am Aaron. Today I have come to encourage you to continue to trust, no matter what happens on the outside.

    Always remember: You are the guideposts. A light in the darkness for all those who do not understand and do not feel what is going on and who still live in the density of the third-dimensional belief system.

    Your deep trust will be felt by others and you will be an example to them when it becomes even more intense outside, which will be soon. Therefore, dear ones: No matter what comes - stay in trust.

    The divine plan stands! Increase always - again and again anew, your vibration and let your light shine inwardly and outwardly.

    Also for the spiritually higher developed people, the Higher Self will bring about situations, which are problematic from the human point of view, but which are in reality learning experiences.

    In order to develop a higher level of spiritual consciousness, this is necessary. You dear surface humans - you know so much and you also know that your Higher Self is guiding what is happening and also bringing you to the truth.

    The people who are still connected to the old energy, who continue to follow and analyze the news over and over again every day, or who are just in contact with others, who are completely entangled in the third-dimensional consciousness - believe what they are being told.

    They have forgotten to feel - to receive - the truth within. The gift, the ability that every human being possesses - they have forgotten. But through your deep trust in the divine plan, you help them that the memory can come back. Therefore, dear ones, once again my encouragement - keep trusting.

    And if you feel that you, too, sometimes doubt - then you, too, practice keeping off the computer, cell phone, and television more often. Wean yourself off the addiction to constant distraction from the phone, radio, and so on. Your human mind loves distraction and feels a sense of satisfaction from it.

    We in the inner earth know this - we know this. Therefore, my advice is that if you want to align with your Higher Self, then you too remember that the inner voice can only be heard in silence and not in the noise of distraction. If you are surrounded by people with low frequency, which happens again and again and is not bad - they are your fellow human beings - then step back inwardly and say to yourself in silence:

    - I am light.

    - I am love.

    - I am connected with the source.

    - God is in me - I am divine!

    Then you will feel how your vibration increases at the same moment and you feel more comfortable and also protected - peaceful and free.

    To be able to decide in the consciousness how you feel, what you think, and how your truth looks like - that, dear surface humans is a beautiful feeling. Each of you has as much time as you want to move into a higher state of consciousness. Everyone can decide this for himself.

    However, I do not want to miss to tell you that now is the perfect time for this, as new and higher light frequencies are constantly streaming to your planet. The perfect time is now!

    And all who are sincerely seeking the truth are needed, also to assist those who are shocked and frightened - as events and information unfold.

    Dear surface humans - we love you - we are with you - always. If you seek contact with us - we will be there - come to you. We want to help you - support you - lead you into the next dimension. 

    We are with you.

    With love, your Aaron

August 18th 2021 Archangel Chamuel

Don't give up - hold on to the truth.

  • Transcription

    I greet you in the name of the spiritual world. 

    I, Archangel Chamuel. 

    Beloved human beings, today I have come to encourage you, to give you strength, and to tell you: Try to hold on to the truth at all times with your heightened consciousness. In this way, you can avoid being unintentionally drawn into the vortex of chaos and fear that is currently being shown to you on all levels and presented to you at all corners. 

    There is no way around it: the collective must wake up and perhaps it will help to witness that more and more natural disasters are happening. The present time shows the process of spiritual awakening of the whole world. To the human mind, what is happening may seem like a step backward - but unfortunately, many human beings still need this jolt. 

    Just as you humans are or should be releasing yourselves from old, dense, and heavy energies from the past, your planet also needs to release itself from heavy energies that have been stored in and on it for eons. And this is what your Mother Earth is doing through fires, floods, and other natural disasters that you are witnessing right now. 

    We know that many are suffering deeply from these events and we feel for you. However, dear ones, before there can be more light and consciousness in the world, the Earth must first be cleared of the heavy and dense energies that are still stored in various places. These cleansings and clearings are a necessary part of the spiritual evolution of your planet. 

    You who feel, sense, or recognize the deep truths, please do not try to go looking for people you can convince of the truth, but simply allow your vibration to attract those who want to know more, who realize that you are in trust, that you are staying true to yourselves and not becoming insecure. 

    Awakened, enlightened people are not just light workers. They are light bearers. If you continue to stay on this path and continue to trust in your oneness with the source, you will find that it becomes much easier to observe world events and yet, in the eye of the storm, remain calm and centered.

    Your calmness, courage and trust in God will be noticed by others and it will in turn give them courage to join you. By not making external efforts to save the world, you are actually doing just that. 

    Beloved human beings, this is what is at stake at this very time. Stay centered! Always raise your frequency! Let your light shine - be light bearers. I know you have heard this many times before, but it cannot be said often enough. 

    Dear ones, do not give up! 

    We know that you also have days when you are tired and feel weak - your body shows symptoms. Then do what you have to do! Allow yourself to rest. And if you feel like you need to sleep for days, do that. And allow painful emotions that come up - to flow through you and out without resisting them, without giving them power. All of this is part of the process and helps you to swing back up again. 

    Love your body and take care of it. It is very important to your soul. Your soul wants to feel comfortable in its temple. This also raises your vibration. You dear, brave human souls - all of us from the spiritual world thank you and are full of enthusiasm about what you are doing. 

    We love you. 

    See you soon.

    Your Archangel Chamuel

August 1st 2021 Aaron

Live your freedom and your DIVINITY!

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear ones. I greet you, dear surface humans. I, Aaron from the inner earth. 

    Thank you for allowing me to speak to you today. Today is about the worldwide pandemic that you have been dealing with for some time now, which is shaking up your lives and spreading chaos.

    But, dear ones, in essence, you are dealing with something quite different. You are dealing with a deeply disconnected state of being. Many people have lost contact with their souls and heart. 

    Because of the great fear, the imbalance, the lack of tolerance and compassion, humanity is in crisis on many levels.

    The existence of the coronavirus and its effects, and therefore also the vaccination: these are the things that throw a spotlight on everything that is wrong with you, so to speak, everything that reflects the deep feeling of disconnectedness and senselessness.

    This, dear surface humans, is your true crisis. 

    I am here today to shake you awake once again and to point out your task as lightworkers which is to first get in touch with your soul - to connect with what you really are.

    That is what you are here for. When you reconnect, you address the wound that humanity is suffering from at the deepest level. It is not about being an activist and fighting. You have done all that in past lives and you have done it extensively.

    And you have been wounded and traumatized by the conflicts you have lived through. 

    This incarnation is different: it is not about arguing and fighting within duality. It is about truly understanding and stepping out of the energies that are at work in the collective mass consciousness. To look at them with a deep understanding. You have been through all of this yourselves. You have been all of this. You are light and shadow yourselves. You know what it is like to be a victim, to be a perpetrator. To be a ruler, to be rich or poor. You have gone through all these experiences and your true role as lightworkers is now to embody heart-based consciousness.

    This means recognizing that you are free - truly free and recognizing that freedom in others. Not seeing them as victims to be saved, but truly being aware of the freedom of others creates a very different way of being for yourself.

    In a sense, when you stop being rescuers, you take a step back from reality. Step deep into your own space of freedom. The space that lies beyond duality. The space where you recognize your responsibility for everything you have created in the course of your many lives.

    And when you really feel your freedom, you feel your responsibility and let go of the victim role and the victim consciousness and also then stop seeing other people, including your loved ones, as victims.

    The idea of helping them, having to support them, then changes completely. It's not about fighting or saving - it's about being who you are and really and truly embracing your divinity and your freedom.

    This means you are taking distance from reality but without creating a split. Instead, you become more of yourself. You can share your energy, your original sense of beauty, of wonder, of joy and of love. You can share it with everyone around you if you want. It's not about helping others, dear surface humans - it's about sharing all that you are. A lightworker, a soul who has gone through the extremes of duality and stopped struggling with duality. Because all of that was really just an experience. You have gone through all of that and once you are deeply connected to your soul, you will overcome all that once was.

    And for the lightworker family as a whole, this is the step that you want and need to take in this lifetime. And then, dear ones, you will come into the state of peace with yourselves and with the collective.

    Isn't that what you all deeply long for? It is coming home to yourselves and at the same time feeling at home in yourselves, in this world, on this planet.

    Dear surface humans - if you are deeply connected with your true light - with your wisdom then you can be at home in this world because then you are not really dependent on it. This is your true destiny as a lightworker soul.

    Dear ones, beloved surface humans, this was important for me to tell you today. Our deep love from all in the inner earth is radiating to you. Helps you to connect with your deepest true innermost self. We love you and I say goodbye. 

    See you soon - your Aaron.

July 26th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

Behind everything hides the light.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear lightsparks. 

    I, Archangel Gabriel. 

    Dear ones, at the moment your beautiful planet is rocking and shaking and a lot of water is coming to you and simply washes away a lot without effort. We feel with you and yet I would like to ask you to always and everywhere strive to see the beauty of your planet. The light, the good, the love. It is of no use to complain about these conditions now and if you are aware that no complaint can change anything, then try to re-center and ground yourself again and again. And try to see the light that is hidden behind everything. Also behind the present events. Dear ones, everything is going according to plan, even if your mind cannot accept this so well. It is going according to plan. And all of this is for your awareness, your growth, and your ascension into the next dimension. Every difficulty in your life is for that very purpose. That is how it is. Especially now, when so many fears are stirred up in you. And yet you have the possibility at any time to decide to go into fear or to stay in God's trust. God always loves you, no matter what decision you make. No matter if you stand on the stepping stone into light and love or into fear. It is always your free choice. And I say to you, dear lightsparks, if you slip into fear every now and then in these chaotic times, do not condemn yourself for it. Take this fearful part full of compassion by the hand and ask this part what it needs, what it lacks. Take care of this part. Feel where this part is in your body, where you can perceive this tension. The fear in you needs your compassion. It is the part that is completely confused by the outside influences. Do not judge yourself. The judgment does not come from your soul, nor from God, but from your mind. Dear ones, you see, it is always up to you. You create your own life. You form your life and you can change it at any time, to the light or to the density. And one thing is for sure: You are in a time where unique growth steps are possible, dimensional leaps. The global events around you make this possible. You must always be aware of this. Feel deep inside yourself and if you feel fear, then take care of this part. And if you feel love, then rejoice. Love makes you full of light. Love changes everything inside you and outside. And everything is allowed to be. Everything belongs to you, you brave lightsparks. And I say goodbye now. 

    See you soon. 

    With deep love, your Archangel Gabriel.

July 11th 2021 Ashtar Sheran

YOU are the messengers of the New Era!

  • Transcription

    Dear human souls - I greet you - I Ashtar Sheran, the father of your lightful star friends. I am very happy to be allowed to speak to you once again. I have been with you all the time, have witnessed everything that happens on your beautiful planet and how you deal with it. Each in his own way. A profound transformation is taking place in your being right now. Many of you are in the process of softening your ego, which we are very much in favor of, and are striving for a heart-based consciousness. A consciousness based on oneness and on love. That, dear ones, is the way - that is the goal.

    Your ego believes in separateness - believes that you are lonely and being separated from the rest. And for this reason, your ego thinks you are powerless, helpless, unfree. And this can be scary - but we are very happy that many of you know that everything that makes you, your whole system, is connected to the whole. You are a part of the whole - a part of the oneness. You are carried by the oneness - by the source. Your source is love. Your ego cannot comprehend this because there is much between heaven and earth that you cannot see.

    But try to trust - All-Is-There. And you are surrounded by so much light and so much love and always then, in the moment when you can feel bliss, in the moment when you sense consciousness in your heart, then you feel the light, then you feel the love. And maybe then you also feel us - yes, then you perceive the light - the light that many lightworkers, who are currently living among you, let flow into the morphogenetic field with their mind, their consciousness, their heart as a collective force. And thereby contribute enormously to the transformation.

    Dear human souls, we are full of respect and appreciation and are happy about every lightworker who joins us. You are so much more powerful than you think! Have courage and prepare a field of light and love every day. Keep up the light and do not get tired of doing this. Only through your ever-increasing light presence and unity consciousness will the collective consciousness on Earth be lifted beyond its current density and continue to transform. This is the reason why you have incarnated at this time.

    The collective consciousness is the world consciousness of your planet - Earth, which has been fed with separation-based information for eons. Dear human souls: You are powerful - trust in your power. The collective is awakening and evolving - as you continue to awaken and evolve - feeding the field with truth - untruth can be replaced by truth and dissolve. Every new insight, every new awareness that flows into the collective allows the anchoring of truth more and more. And thus makes it available to all.

    When your wonderful light dominates in the collective, this will reach a point where the balance of truth and lies, of being separate and oneness will shift and it will tip. Have a little patience and trust that you have a lot of help on the outside. From your luminous star friends who are in abundance on your Earth and trust in the strong new energies that are reaching you from the central sun and are available to all.

    You will soon see results. Many old structures and beliefs, old paradigms will collapse - and one thing is for sure: The light will always win! The light and the love, these are the messengers of the new time - you are the messengers of the new time. Let your light shine! And how others react to your light - may not matter to you. It will attract many and perhaps repel others. But this is not important. Keep your light presence tirelessly and the density will dissolve and the transformation will take place.

    Dear esteemed human souls. So be it and so it is. And I say goodbye in the name of your star friends - I Ashtar Sheran. 

    See you soon...

June 29th 2021 Aaron

You are brave souls.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear surface humans. It's me again, your Aaron from the Innerearth. 

    I wanted to speak a few words to you again today. Simply because I thought it is important. It is important to tell you how proud we are of you. Of your courage, because it takes courage to go within. Not to deal with the conformed, the normal. To deal with what others do, how others decide, but to listen to your own inner voice. To your quiet soul voice. It knows what is best for you. Trust in yourself and bless your courage. The courage for your self-decision and self-responsibility. Trust your feelings. If anything feels strange, it is not for your own good. See your trust as an unshakable guide into the new time. 

    Dear ones, there is nothing to fear. Through your deep trust, you will pave the way for others as well. As you gain solid ground in your new expression, your experience of unity and oneness will naturally guide you into your service, your task, for others. The others, who will need your light and who also want to cross the bridge into the next dimension, into the new time. Your brothers and sisters who need you, your help, your compassion, your love, and your light. Your light will illuminate their path and make it easier for them to feel the truth as you do. And also to take their lives into their own hands. 

    Dear ones, maybe some of you thought it would be easier from now on. Your old life would come back. But, unfortunately, I have to take this illusion away from you. Forgive me. It is not over yet. And it will go on chaotically for a while. But don't worry, all this is part of it. This is also part of the plan. You are still in the midst of change, of transformation. And I tell you again, you are brave souls. Just keep on trusting. Your brothers and sisters, who have not yet awakened, need you. You are the light that is needed. 

    Dear surface humans, that was your wish. Remember. Feel deeply within yourselves. Was this your wish? Is this your mission? Listen to your soul's voice. Does it say yes? Is it saying a very, very real yes? I can hear it in many of you. And there are more and more of you. Yes, there are more and more. And this is very wonderful.

    Dear surface humans, for today I say goodbye. 

    In deep love, your Aaron.

June 29th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

You are in the midst of the collective awakening.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear lightsparks. 

    I, Archangel Gabriel. 

    We from the spiritual world see with great joy how quickly you are moving towards the collective awakening. Although I believe that you are not so aware of it. However, you dear lightsparks, you have made enormous progress in the last few months. Even if the burdens on the outside cost you a lot of strength. Strength to stay with you. And to raise the frequency again and again. 

    We are with you. We perceive everything. We also often hear your cries for help. It is just a little difficult for you to perceive us. Although many of you have the desire to connect with us and ask again and again for their spirit guide. 

    It is very easy to get in touch with us. There is one thing to keep in mind, maybe this will help you. Remember that we come from the realm of love. From the dimension where only love reigns. And that is why you can receive us most easily when you are also in love, or when you are open to love. Love, I know, many of you already can't hear the word anymore. But we will never tire of talking about love. You can easily find your love in the core of your inner being, your inner child. That's what you call it. The core essence of the inner child, which is still completely spared from fear or other hurt feelings. Yes, this part is also within you, not only the hurt ones. And with this part, which is love in its originality, try to come into contact. This wonderful free part is in each of you. Try it again and again. Do not become impatient if you do not succeed immediately. When the time comes and you come into this contact, you will feel great bliss. The moment you come to this sacred space within you. And then, dear ones, it is very easy to get in contact with us. Because then you will feel the presence of love. Then you feel your love and it will spread out from your heart. And when you are there, in that sacred space, enjoy that moment. Savor it. It is worth it, dear ones. Try it again and again. You are connected to us and it is not as difficult as you think to get in touch with us. This practice of getting to your innermost core opens the way to the Source. To your I AM. To your home. To your divine spark. Dear lightsparks, all this is part of the awakening process. And you are in the middle of it. You are already very far. And we have told you many times and we never get tired of telling you, you are awakening. And it is the divine will that you do this. And you are supported in this. From us, from your spiritual guides, from God, from your Source. Allow yourselves. Allow love to embrace you, to inspire you, to feel you. Allow yourselves. It is your choice. Yes, you are in the midst of a collective awakening. And the intensity and the strength of your collective awakening is bringing to your consciousness the infinite power of love. And you will more and more often feel signs of love in unexpected places or even with people that you previously perceived quite differently. You are in a wonderful time. You have decided to be part of the awakening process, the ascension. Rejoice, yes rejoice. Celebrate together, meet, dance, sing, love. You need all this at this moment. You need each other. 

    You dear lightsparks. And we are with you and we are looking forward to all those who come into contact with us. We look forward to every light that comes. 

    With great love, in the name of my brothers and sisters, your Archangel Gabriel.

June 16th 2021 Aaron

Listen to the voice of your soul.

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    I greet you, beloved Nele. I greet all who are listening right now. I am here once again.

    Aaron from the inner earth.

    You dear surface humans. I am always happy when I am allowed to speak to you. And I thank you, Nele, that you are always ready to pass on my words.

    You dear surface humans, how are you? 

    We feel, we feel that it is not easy, still not easy. But I have to tell you: You are very wonderful, brave souls. Yes, you are. You are full of trust, full of courage. And I can only encourage you: Stay with it. Listen to your inner being. Listen to the voice of your soul. It will always tell you the truth. And when you are in doubt, because it is chaotic around you, then go into the silence. Go into nature and let the voice from your head become quieter and listen to your soul's voice. 

    When you have to decide what to do with your body - you know what I mean - go inside. Ask your body. It will tell you what is important for you. And your soul, your soul knows everything. 

    Practice perceiving this voice of your soul again and again. It will guide you on your way. It is always within you. Quietly, gently, but it is there. And it guides you. Your soul knows the way, your life path, your soul path. Do not be unsettled by all that is going on around you. Return again and again, back to yourselves. Try to go into silence from time to time. Be by yourself, so that you can ground yourself well, center yourself, and open your heart. That gives you strength. It raises your frequency. Especially if you do this in nature, with Mother Earth. Try to walk barefoot, every now and then, barefoot through the forest, across the meadows. Or simply stand barefoot on Mother Earth and meditate or sit or lie down. You will feel more and more intensely the energy that then floods through you, which raises your vibration. 

    Dear surface humans, this is what you need at this time. Again and again, I will tell you: Increase your frequency, day by day. Because at the moment there are many energy robbers out there. Whether it is your media, your newspapers, or your fellow human beings. You are being robbed of a lot of energy. Sometimes you don't even notice it, you just wonder why you are tired.

    Dear ones, you are already so far. We are really proud of you. A lot of surface humans have awakened. And there are a few more every day. 

    I have mentioned it before. You shine into us through the soles of your feet. And we are happy about every light, about every little spark, about every awakening. You are on a wonderful path. Hold on, it is worth it. Stay with it. Stay with yourselves. That is what counts now. Again and again into the silence and listen to the quiet, gentle voice. The one that knows everything, above all the truth. And the voice is in everyone. And for those who cannot hear it, I can only advise: Practice. Again and again. Become quiet. Become quiet. Allow yourself breaks where there is only you. Go into the breathing. Try to breathe intensely. Again and again. You will hear your voice, I promise you. Just keep at it.

    Yes, and it's not just in silence that your frequency is raised. It's important to be alone every now and then. But it's also very important to connect with your fellow human beings. With people, with like-minded people. Where you can exchange ideas. Where you can go into depth together. It is also important to cry once in a while. Every tear brings you further, helps you to let go of old pains. Yes, and laugh together. Rejoice in life. Make beautiful moments of togetherness. With music, with dancing. Celebrate, yes celebrate. Celebrate life. Again and again. You need each other. Enjoy being with like-minded people. Enjoy your life, even if it is chaotic on the outside, still. But it is clearing, dear ones. It is clearing, trust.

    And we in the inner earth, we rejoice. And we rejoice that we are getting connected to you, more and more. And I, Aaron, am overjoyed to have found a medium here. Thank you, Nele, thank you. And thank you, all of you who are listening. Even if I repeat myself from time to time, it's important: Increase your frequency.  Do not get tired of it. This is what you need. This is the most important thing right now. Just as important as love. Without love you will not be able to raise your frequency. Love, but you know that, love is the most important thing. 

    And we love you unconditionally. 

    And with that I say goodbye and I am already looking forward to coming back.

    Dear ones, see you soon.

June 1st 2021 Archangel Chamuel

Your origin is love.

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    I greet you, beloved human beings. I, Archangel Chamuel. 

    Dear human beings, how far have you come? Have you found out who you really are? What your origin is? 

    I will tell you: you came into being from God's love. All of you are love. In each one of you is God, and God is love. Most of you have simply forgotten. Therefore, I say it again: remember who you really are. You are all creators. Creators of love. Just realize it again. 

    There are unprecedented currents of love on your beautiful planet right now and it is bringing change. You have collectively asked for change over and over again. And now the time has come. You have arrived at this time where the memory of love is coming back. The memory that love is there. It is infinite. Unlike ever before in human history, love is flowing to you, through you. Love is now flowing into a world that is ready to rebirth itself into a greater, shinier, kinder, more unified future. You create this change by being willing to visualize it. You make this possible by being willing to tune into the frequency of love. Begin with love for yourselves. And then move outward in a spiral, expressing your love to the world according to the directives of your own divine inspiration. Your soul, your heart's voice. 

    And as you act in this way, it is good for you to understand that the greater the flow of love, the greater the extent of your feelings. Both positive and negative. Your feelings become perfect indicators of whether you are accepting or resisting the flow of love through the universe and through yourself. If you allow love to flow to you and through you, you will feel bliss. If you resist love, you will feel pain. Your feelings will tell you where you stand. 

    In fact, resistance to the flow of love is the root of all human pain. Sometimes you can move out of this resistance quite easily, and sometimes it is difficult for you. But I tell you, dear human beings, there are no wrong or false feelings. Your feelings simply indicate whether you are accepting love or resisting it. They tell you what vibrations you are tuned into so that at any time you can choose, you can decide, love or resist. 

    You are your own creator. You determine and you decide. God and all of us from the spiritual world don't judge you, even if you resist love. We always love you. However, it shows you where you stand, who you really are, whether you are aware that your origin is love and that you originated from love. Maybe it will help you to think about it. 

    There is a reason that you are here. That you are here now as your planet is going into transformation. Where everything is changing. Where great change is taking place and you are co-creators. 

    And I tell you: Love brings your transformation. 

    Dear human beings, I say goodbye.

May 18th 2021 Archangel Chamuel

Remember who you really are!

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    I greet you, beloved human beings. 

    I, Archangel Chamuel. 

    Yes, today I would like to speak a few words to you again. And if you like, we will try something now. 

    Try to close your eyes and try to look and feel with your inner eye. It is not difficult. Breathe in and out deeply. Let go of the thoughts that still want to hold you for this moment and try to look inside. Your breath carries you. Be very attentive. Perhaps you perceive energies, pleasant warmth, colors, or gentle touches. 

    Dear human beings, maybe that is us. We often make ourselves noticeable to you in this way. 

    We want to make it easy for you to perceive us. 

    Just be attentive and allow yourselves quietness and silence from time to time. Then you can perceive us. Try it again and again. We are with you. We come when you call us. 

    We are aware that when you decided to come to earth, you took a step into the darkness and began to live behind a veil. You perceive the world through your physical senses and are sometimes blinded by all the input you receive through your senses and mind. 

    We sense that you have forgotten what and who you really are. You are a purely intuitive sentient being and you are not dependent on eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to feel. 

    You are consciousness, living consciousness that can choose any form it wants to manifest. Out of this living consciousness that you are in truth and that now temporarily inhabits this body, out of this living consciousness you can connect with us through space and time. You are not limited by it. 

    Perhaps you would like to try it out now. 

    Imagine that while you are sitting or lying here in this body, you make contact with us. Imagine that we are here with you. We are standing in a circle around you. You are not alone. Welcome us and open yourselves to our energies. It is possible. Trust. 

    You are all in a deep and intense awakening process. An awakening to who you really are. And this happens sometimes jerkily and in single spurts. You are awakening, dear human beings, from a long lasting sleep and you are understanding more and more who you are. And then certain frameworks and habits that you have built up in the past and that you thought constituted you fall away. But who you are is so much bigger than that, so much more wonderful, so much deeper, so much richer. 

    Try questioning everything that you think defines you. Your life story, your appearance, what role you play in society or in your relationship. 

    Take a step back and feel the wonderful living consciousness that you really are and that is here temporarily, absorbing all that it experiences here, but which is not identical to it. It is bigger than that. It is mobile and flexible. 

    Feel how free you are. You have made a choice to be here, to learn, to grow, and to experience. Let this moving, joyful consciousness wander through your body. Feel it flowing around you. Feel your cells, your body cells, begin to vibrate a little more easily as you allow this energy of origin, of home, to permeate you. 

    By nature, you are a joyful, creating consciousness that wants to experience, grow, expand, stretch, and be in a dance of infinite possibilities. 

    The reason you often lose that sense of self, that sense of who you really are, is that you have come under the impression of beliefs and ideas that you have absorbed and been nourished with in your life on earth. This has denied you and taken you away from who you are. 

    You doubt the original feeling, that mobility, that freedom, that joy that you still experienced very clearly as a child. 

    But, dear human beings, that is why I am here today. Reflect on yourselves. Reflect on yourselves. That, dear ones, raises your frequency. Know who you really are. Raise your vibration. 

    You are all divine beings, aspects of God. And you all have so much light and love within you. Live it, share it. You are all one. 

    Open yourselves to the miracle of love. Open yourselves to your light. Reflect on who you really are and try to contact us. Try to feel us. 

    Remember who you really are. Divine aspects. God is within each of you. 

    Dear human beings, I say goodbye, but I am always with you. 

    See you soon.

May 5th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

NOW is the time.

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    I greet you, beloved lightsparks, beloved medium. I, Archangel Gabriel. 

    How are you? 

    We from the spiritual world are very well aware of what is happening to you right now. 

    You are just again in a time in which very high vibrational energies are flowing to you. There are some portal days coming up and they are already making themselves felt. Especially in your physical body. 

    Your energy bodies are now absorbing the high energies very well. However, many of you are feeling the strong vibrational increases in your bodies. Therefore, do not be surprised if you have cold symptoms, for example, without feeling sick. Or here pain and there it pulls without any conceivable reason. 

    All these, dear lightsparks, are light body symptoms. Your soul cave wants to clear itself. Your cells want to free themselves from old ballast. Possibly from themes or energies that you unconsciously carried or still carry from your ancestral lineage or generally from other people. Or that still slumber in you from unresolved issues from the past. 

    Now, dear lightsparks, now is the time. Now is the time to look, to recognize, to accept, and then to let go in love. 

    Be loving and forgiving with yourselves, with your body. It is trying to integrate the high, divine frequencies so that it can then use them. Your energy field, your immune system, and your overall health want to readjust. Just as your chakras are currently rearranging themselves and forming new ones.

    Your trust in your soul path and your trust in the divine guidance support you significantly in this process. This process, which brings a lot of transformation, transformation for you, and transformation for your planet. The transformation to the new human being and the transformation to the new earth. The knowledge and the impulses for transformation have already been sufficiently embedded. 

    This year it is also about finally getting into action. This way will no longer be by force, pressure, or effort. The keys are to look, to recognize, to accept, and to let go in love. Open yourself for solutions and be ready to live them. 

    Dear lightsparks, and it is time for you to rediscover community. Even if it is not meant to be right now. But you dear people, you will grow together with others at difficult events, discover the community and realize that the time of the lone fighters is truly over. 

    Keep your inner peace and stability. Trust that you are divinely guided and will be in the right place at the right time. Your heart will guide you safely. 

    And we from the spiritual world, with still many, countless helpers, are at your disposal and will accompany you through these global processes and take care of you. 

    But I tell you what I have said many times, you know, your free will is always respected. Therefore, it is important to understand that we cannot simply undo all the ways and consequences that have arisen from decisions you have made. We respect all decisions and ways value-free and accompany all beings lovingly through the consequences of their decisions. We are always with you. And the joyful message is that many people have already decided for this loving path. Everything that still stands in the way will move to the surface of the consciousness of every being to be able to recognize the new direction. 

    And I tell you, even the decisions of those who do not want to live this direction will be respected and accompanied by us. 

    Because love never excludes. Love is. And every being has also at any time the possibility to change its free decisions and its direction, at any time. 

    Yes, dear lightsparks, and something else important: For some spiritual teachers, companions, healers, and people in tasks that support the common good or Mother Earth, greater powers and abilities will be unlocked in the coming weeks and months. This includes all people regardless of their profession or occupation who stand in their authentic power and heart strength. The radiance will touch, inspire, and change and serve all, the good of all. 

    Light information will be activated within you directly from the spiritual world, or, if needed, transmitted to you with the help of a human being when the time is right. 

    Yes, dear ones, you see, you are being supported. We are there. And it is happening. Trust your path and always live your highest potential. Trust and love. So be it. And we from the spiritual world also love you. And that is why we are with you. 

    Dear lightsparks, with love, your Archangel Gabriel.

May 1st 2021 Aaron

Love is your birthright.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear surface humans.

    I, Aaron. 

    And I have not come alone today. Some of my brothers have come with me. We are here to stand by you and surround you with warmth and love. With friendship, as it should be. 

    Yes, we want to give you the feeling of friendship. We are your friends. True friendship is unconditional. In true friendship there is an appreciation for each other that is independent of the things you do or don't do. It is full of love for the core, the essence of who you are. This is the love we have to offer. And you are invited to accept it. Allow yourselves, for this love is yours. It is your birthright to be loved unconditionally. 

    And it is not difficult for us to do that for you. Because you are so wonderful, so precious. We love you in your vulnerability. And we love your courage, your light as much as your darkness.  We are with you, we love you. 

    Yes, dear surface humans, again and again, I speak of love. Trust us. We want to be an example of love and friendship for you. The love and friendship that is waiting to awaken and unfold within yourselves. When you can feel friendship for yourself, when you can feel gentleness, warmth, and openness for yourself, then you are inviting us into your energy field. Then you open the channel for contact with us. 

    Perhaps right here you can see the certain dilemma we face as your guides. We cannot reach you if you yourself are blocked in fear, if you yourself feel that you are not worthy, if you yourself cannot muster that friendship for yourself. Then we cannot get through to you. This makes us sad at times. Even though we understand it and cannot blame you. 

    We understand very well how it can be in an earthly body, in your earthly body. And how it is when many things are veiled that are actually self-evident. 

    You only need to remember and the love for yourselves will help you. Make friends with yourselves. Start loving yourselves. 

    We know it is sometimes lonely on your earth right now. We respect your courage and we trust in you. 

    We wait, we wait for you to turn like a flower towards the sun, so that you can receive your natural inheritance, your birthright. The birthright to love unconditionally and to be loved unconditionally. 

    You wonderful surface humans, this is what God desires from you. If you have any task or mission in life, it is this: to learn to love yourselves in all your imperfections, at least what you call imperfections, because in our eyes you are not. 

    You go through ups and downs just in the emotional realm and of course it has a purpose. It is part of your soul agenda. So don't think that you are doing anything wrong. You can't really do anything wrong. 

    Open up to yourself. Have compassion for yourself and acknowledge everything that belongs to you. Treat yourself with respect. Respect yourselves. Bless yourselves. Take time in your daily life for yourselves and do not consider thinking as your enemy. Nor the anxious, restless feelings that come through the mind. Accept that they are there. They belong to you. 

    But be aware that you can master these emotions, these energies, just by looking at them with gentleness. They are parts of you that are confused, some of which have lost sight of the way home. 

    Seek out the center within yourself. And you don't need to feel anything there but a silence, a presence that is always there. 

    Feel yourselves, bless yourselves, honor yourselves, respect yourselves, and love will grow. 

    Dear surface humans, be aware that you are surrounded by the love that is your birthright. 

    And so we bid you farewell. And I, Aaron, will be back when this wonderful medium allows. 

    With deep love, see you soon.

April 21st 2021 Aaron

It is love ...

  • Transcription

    Hello, dear surface humans. 

    I greet you. I, Aaron. 

    How are you? Are you confused? Or is your inner being sorting itself out? Do you feel the profound changes within you? 

    Yes, dear ones, you are on a spiritual journey and it is shifting your focus from the outside to your true self and that is good. This develops self-responsibility and the ability of self-love. Yes, self-love is a skill that should be developed. I know you are aware of this. Loving yourself does not mean that you put yourself above others. It simply means that you now include yourself in your love. It is about taking yourself as important as everyone else. It is about moving into unconditional love, into unity consciousness. It is about simply being love for all and that means for yourselves as well. 

    You beloved surface humans, why am I telling you this? I know you know this but I also know you keep forgetting. And that is why I never tire of reminding you, reminding you of many things. 

    You are about to enter a new age and it is the time of love and therefore I want to remind you, remind you of love. Love yourselves with all that you are. Every day, always. This is the only way that love can flow to the outside, to the collective, to your beautiful planet. 

    Or is there something inside you that does not allow you to love? Do you not allow yourself to love? Feel. Can it be? Be aware that it is your allowing that determines how much love you can experience and give. Most of you allow only a fraction of the love that is available to you. Allow your capacity for love to grow, both the capacity to give and the capacity to receive, for that is one of the greatest opportunities you have on the planet. The experience of love, anchoring it, living it, feeling it, and expanding it. Dear ones, the source of love is infinite. 

    I tell you again today. Love brings your change. It is love, you know it, remember it. 

    We in Inner Earth lived through different but similar times to you many thousands of years ago. Therefore, we know how you feel. We feel with you. Be aware, only love will make the longed-for change, freedom, and peace possible for you. 

    We in Inner Earth, my brothers and sisters, we live unconditional love. Most of us are in the fifth dimension, some in the sixth, seventh or eighth. And all of us, all of us, also want to go further. And your change will also bring us further. 

    And that is why, dear surface humans, I am supposed to say thank you. To all of you who are doing such wonderful work, spreading the love and staying so wonderfully in trust. 

    Keep up the good work. Stay in personal responsibility. And love yourselves, love yourselves, love yourselves. Be yourselves. You yourselves are the source of love, for yourselves and for everyone and everything outside. Every single one of you is the source of love. 

    Dear surface humans, I will be back. See you soon. 

April 8th 2021 Archangel Chamuel

Feel and share the light of your true origin.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, dear wonderful human souls.

    Yes, I am very happy that I may speak a few words to you.

    We have noticed that many of you have now reached a point where you are very far away from the core of your soul. And, that they want nothing more than to return to that core and live from there.

    Dear ones, in a certain sense, incarnation, participation in earthly life, is rather a kind of fall into darkness. But on a deep level, you have consciously said yes to it, because you can only bring light into yourself and develop light where you are deeply familiar with the possibilities and energetic laws that prevail there. 

    You can only bring light where you have roots with which you are connected. You are connected to the Earth and human consciousness, even if you often feel like a stranger, an outsider there. 

    You live a split existence in a certain sense. You are consciously immersed in darkness. Into the vibrations of fear, illusion, and ignorance, but with the deep, heartfelt intention of transforming them and thus bringing them into the light.

    It is true of many of you that you have fully experienced the dive into the depths and that a longing to return arises, to your soul, the core of who you are, which is independent of the earthly and even of space and time. 

    So you see, dear human souls, that in this life you want to bring together two extremes - light and darkness. You want to bring light into the darkness. You have embraced this darkness over many lifetimes by participating very deeply in life on earth in all its ups and downs. 

    Respect for once what you are doing and have already done. It has been a tremendous leap and you experience daily the pain of not being home, of not feeling at home in this vibration or world, in the negative vibration that exists here. 

    You often think that there is another place, another sphere, another dimension where you will be at home. This is true in a sense. You have all been to places in the universe that are more suited to you in nature than the human world on Earth. But your intimate goal is to hold your own natural vibration, who and what you are, here in this sphere on Earth. In this way you bring light. 

    So it is a being rather than a doing, as it is to keep and raise your own vibration and therefore to let go of fear, negativity, or judgments that you have been talked into or even absorbed in this sphere.

    Dear ones, this is deeply your goal. We know it. And you also contribute in this way to the whole evolution on earth. 

    I would like to ask you to connect now, at this moment, with the desire in your heart, with the desire you call home. With the desire for natural harmony, for the absence of fear, negativity, and violence, in whatever form. 

    Get in touch with this desire in your heart and feel how tired you are. If you feel you are in a fight or conflict with something that does not suit you, eventually you will be tired of all the fighting.

    I want to remind you that this is no longer necessary. Go back to your true core.

    The desire you experience and the friction you feel with the existing world are both real. They are neither wrong nor an escape but point to your goal, your purpose, which is to let your light, your original light shine here and show here. 

    Therefore, welcome this longing in your heart and at the same time feel your fatigue - an energetic fatigue that comes from leading a kind of struggle. This struggle comes from not being able to accept this reality and the energies here and from the desire for something different and something better. According to the idealisms that you carry within you. 

    In many of you, there is something like disappointment or difficulty with life here. It is precisely from this that an energetic tiredness arises. 

    Dear human souls, I would like to invite you to let go of this struggle. 

    This world as it is, look at it with open eyes. There is much fear in this world, judgments, thinking in terms of good and evil, pain and suffering. Accept that. Let go of your combativeness for a moment. You all have ideals and long for change, but therein lies the seed of struggle and conflict. 

    Therefore, imagine letting go of all this completely for a moment. 

    Everything is as it is, even in your personal life. Just decide to leave everything as it is and return to your heart. 

    While you are there, say to yourself: I don't have to change anything. 

    Feel what this does to your body: I don't have to change anything. 

    This may create a feeling of sadness or resistance. But on a deeper level, also a feeling of relief and liberation. 

    Remember who you are originally, independent of the vibrations and energies of this earthly world. Feel the peace and purity of it. Be present in your heart. Feel your longing for home, for the original vibration of harmony and love. Invite it to flow into your heart as light energy. Feel, feel afterwards how it becomes warm, how it becomes free, how it becomes light. 

    In conflict or struggle, there are heavy energies that pull you out into the world and often out of your center. Now feel the lightness of what and who you originally are. And let this work now. Feel the love in your heart. 

    Look into your heart space and see your light. This light illuminates your inner being and this light shows you the way to your soul core and your home. Stay in this vibration. Return there again and again. There is peace, there is no fighting, there is truth.

    Dear ones, thank you for listening. Thank you for allowing me to speak.

    With love, your Archangel Chamuel.

April 5th 2021 Aaron

It is the time of forgiveness.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, beloved surface humans. 

    I, Aaron from the Inner Earth. 

    It is the time of forgiveness. Forgiveness is part of it, part of the deep change you are in. 

    I know our messages are similar, but it is important, always important, to bring to your attention your healing, your issues that need healing. 

    The time of forgiveness is part of that so that something can transform. 

    Forgiveness does not mean forgetting everything that has happened but letting it go little by little to release your life force bound in suffering. 

    Forgiveness means thanking yourself and forgiving all that you have experienced and taken upon yourself. 

    On your life journey, people have met you in many ways. In positive ways and they validate your strengths. And you have met people in negative ways and they show you where unhealed wounds exist in you that keep you stuck. Here your positive powers are bound in suffering and you cannot use them. 

    So realize that the positive, as well as negative encounters, are important. They are all reflections of your innermost beliefs, powers as well as hurts. 

    If you ask for it, now at this moment, these people appear in front of your inner eye and present themselves inwardly in front of you. Try it, maybe you can perceive or sense them. 

    Speak within yourself lovingly to yourself and also to these people. Try to empathize with the following sentences. Let their vibration be felt in you while you speak them inwardly. Feel them. They help you. They support you in letting go. 

    Repeat after me inwardly.

    I forgive myself for all that has happened and for all that I have allowed to happen. 

    I forgive all of you, as best I can, for all that has happened between us and for all that we have allowed to happen. 

    I acknowledge the value of my experiences, for they give me wisdom. Wisdom from which I can create new, uplifting experiences. They have served me to know myself as a creator. 

    I give thanks for that. I thank myself for that. I thank everyone involved for it. 

    I bless myself and all the people involved. 

    And I release you in love. 

    Yes, you dear surface humans, try to feel where forgiveness is needed. 

    Forgiveness is important on your healing path. 

    Forgiveness has a very high vibration. 

    And you will feel it, you will feel how you vibrate higher, how you free yourselves. 

    Many people will now embark on the developmental journey of letting go of their old limitations. And further, positive changes will happen and become visible in the coming years. 

    Dear surface humans, you are collectively coming to a higher level. Trust. Trust yourselves, your soul path, your soul plan. 

    Beloved surface humans, thank you for listening, for sharing this message. 

    See you soon, Aaron.

March 27th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

You are so much more than you think you are!

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    I greet you, beloved lightsparks.

    I, Archangel Gabriel.

    Today I would like to talk again about the new, strong waves of consciousness. Simply because it is important to us. 

    The waves of consciousness are important. They especially affect the areas that have achieved the least clarity and peace with you. 

    I know I've talked about this before. But I want to make you aware that these are the very areas of your life that should be put in order. Assuming, of course, that you want to evolve, that you want to grow. 

    That is your own decision. You have free will. 

    However, if you want to do this from your heart, you will feel that you can no longer ignore the areas in which you seem to be stuck. They virtually force themselves upon you. 

    Your soul brothers and sisters will also help you. They make themselves available and press on your sore points.

    Dear lightsparks, that's how it is. 


    It is the same the other way around. You also show your loved ones their unresolved areas. That's the way it is.

    With the way you open up to the issues, use the insights, let go of the things that are no longer conducive to your growth with a light heart, you not only influence your healing on all levels, but the entire planet you live on. Isn't that wonderful? 

    Your planet is in the process of transforming into a new planet. We have talked about this many times. 

    The new Earth is emerging and the new human is evolving. It is evolving right now, thanks to the new waves of consciousness that reach you quite often. Especially on the portal days, as you call them.

    Instead of suffering, fear, or pain, you can also make the transition to a higher frequency in joy, trust, and love. 

    Dear lightsparks, let yourselves into your originality. 

    You are so much more than this person you think you are. 

    You are divine light in a body. You may make yourselves conscious of this again and again. 

    Your body is also undergoing a change. I will tell you more about this later, in a few days.

    Now back to the waves of consciousness, to the light that is constantly reaching your planet. 

    It has not yet spread evenly over the Earth, but it will. 

    It is most concentrated in those places that you call power spots. 

    There are such places all over the world, in every city, in every village, everywhere. 

    From such places, the waves of light radiate in larger and larger circles. 

    And the more sensitive you become, the more intensely you will feel such places. 

    Trust your feelings. 

    These places form an enormous energy network and help to positively influence dense matter.

    Therefore, go into nature, consciously and mindfully. Find such places, sit down, meditate, let yourself be cleansed, let yourself be replenished. 

    Use any help that will make you grow and support you in cleaning up within yourself and help you bring forth your true soul core. 

    This is the goal of the conscious human being. Remember. 

    All this is decided by each person for himself. Everyone has their own agenda. We know that.

    You may ask yourselves: Do I feel the wave? When do I feel it? 

    Believe me, you feel it. 

    When the energy wave reaches you, you will notice that from moment to moment an inner urge for joyful activities appears. 

    Or the desire to reach out and help others. 

    Or the desire for community, for family. 

    The connection to loved ones becomes more and more important to you. This is where the waves of consciousness help you. 

    The desire to be with like-minded people. To move something together and to contribute your part to the transformation. 

    Of course, you will also feel that the areas I spoke about at the beginning are showing themselves. 

    And you will become more and more aware of what needs to be done.

    Dear lightsparks, maybe I am repeating myself, but believe me, it is important. And therefore I will not tire of presenting it to you, like a mantra.

    I thank the medium from which I am allowed to speak. 

    You are all loved.

    See you soon.

March 15th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

Stay in love and go in tune with the waves of consciousness!

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    I greet you, dear lightsparks.

    Yes, it is I, Archangel Gabriel.

    We, my brothers and sisters from the spiritual world, would like to tell you something.

    We would like to encourage you, accompany you on your way, help you to stay in your power, or also to come into your power and then stay in it.

    Accept our help. 

    We love you unconditionally, you wonderful beings. 

    You lightsparks, trust us, call us, talk to us. 

    Send your wishes, your visions to us. 

    They will manifest.


    And above all: 

    Stay in love. Do not go into fear.

    Everything that makes you afraid robs you of your precious energy. 

    Love strengthens you, your energy body as well as your physical body, your entire immune system.

    Dear lightsparks, at the moment a new wave of energy is coming into your galaxy once again. 

    And this energy wave influences your whole system, inside and outside. 

    It transports everything into a higher vibration and you know how important it is to get into a higher vibration.

    Perhaps you are already feeling the effects of this higher vibration of light. 

    You may be experiencing insights or increased telepathic perceptions, more so than before.

    This energy wave is also changing the nature of time. You have the feeling that time is just flying by.

    If you can orient yourself to this vibration, maybe even work with it, then many possibilities of your further development and growth will open up.

    Dear lightsparks, this all happens very gently, very effortlessly, and very lovingly. Just as it is good for everyone and feels good.

    Let yourself be carried by this energy wave and you will automatically experience more joy, peace, and above all love.

    Open yourselves for your spiritual growth.

    Get in touch with your highest self.

    Move forward in small steps as opportunities present themselves.

    Grow in harmony with nature, with Mother Earth. 

    Then you will be in tune with the higher vibrations that this wave brings.

    These energies will also assist you in your light body process.

    We know many of you are already in the middle of it.

    The first step of the light body process shows up above the heart, in the chest.

    Some may feel a tightness, may also have a fluttering heart or a slight cough. 

    Do not be alarmed. This is a sign and means: open your hearts. Be ready for the higher energies and rejoice. Things are moving forward. Your development is in full swing. 

    This is what you came to Earth for. Remember. This was your wish for this incarnation. 

    You wanted to develop your light body, to communicate telepathically, and to reach other people with your light, so that they also come on their path of light.

    Dear ones, this transformation is called spiritual growth. It is a leap into the next dimension. 

    And I tell you, such energy waves will come more and more often now.

    We also call them waves of consciousness.

    With each wave there will be more and more group openings and more and more people will be able to perceive this vibration.

    These waves will also increase the need to experience the highest meaning of your life. You have this need, we know that.

    It may also be that some of you are going into resistance now because change always means moving. 

    But dear ones, believe me, you have chosen growth and change, otherwise, you would not be listening now.

    Rejoice. For so long you have been waiting for this change and now it is time.

    Enter into the wave. You are being carried.

    We love you.

    We support you.

    And I bless you.

    In deep connection, your archangel Gabriel.

February 27th 2021 Aaron

Have faith in self-responsibility and love of heart!

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    I greet you, dear surface humans.

    I, Aaron from the Inner Earth.

    I greet you in these stormy times in which you find yourselves. We feel with you but trust that your lifeboat will come safely ashore.

    I never tire of telling you this. The energy of trust is the most important thing right now. 

    Trust in your own divine light.

    Trust in the intelligence of your soul.

    Trust in your intuition, in the voice of your heart.

    Trust in your body, the conduit of your soul.

    Trust in Mother Earth and in us, who live in the Inner Earth and support you wherever we can.

    Dear ones, a lot of transformation is already happening on the spiritual level. 

    Have faith in all that is happening.

    The spiritual awakening process is in full swing, also the dimensional change.

    Many of you are already in the fourth dimension. Some have already made it to the fifth dimension.

    And have faith here as well. Everything happens very easily, simply, if you are ready and continue to clean up within yourselves.

    Then it will happen, almost by itself.

    You will come to a new level of consciousness where everything will become even clearer to you.

    Clearer that you will also dissolve and transform the areas where you are still connected in separation consciousness or hurt consciousness, so that you can then open up to a new life basis, nourished by love, joy, compassion, and freedom. This will then lead to some of you opening up to new solutions and ideas for Mother Earth and all that lives there that serve the overall good and not the over-enrichment of a few people.

    Individual wonderful souls among you have already realized such consciousness and now it is soon ripe to move this into the collective.

    Trust! It will happen.

    The keywords of the coming months will be personal responsibility and heart love. For this, release your focus again and again from the outside and remain stably anchored in yourselves under these aspects, because this is valuable and important for the whole.

    Every single one of you contributes to this. The yes of you for a life in love, joy and freedom brings you in line with the way to ascend into the new consciousness.

    It is fundamentally important that your decision for a happy life comes from deep within you. Each of you may dig deep within, look at your old hurts, accept them and bring them into healing and then, underneath all the old, dark layers, discover the truth of your true essence core and live in truth.

    Dear surface humans: It is time. It is time. You are living in this time. Remember. Be aware of it. You will feel that your inner, clear decision will open new doors. Maybe new paths will show themselves through your own impulses or simply through your own soul plan.

    Trust Again and again your deep trust is needed. Be aware again and again: It is your time of change, of recognition, of remembering, and the time of return to unconditional love. And you all work together on it.

    Dear surface humans, look at everything that happens with the eye of love and compassion.

    We are with you.

    In deep connection and love, your Aaron.

February 11th 2021 Archangel Gabriel

You are the trailblazers!

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    I greet you, beloved light sparks.

    I, Archangel Gabriel.

    We from the spiritual world would also like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Yes, exactly, you who have been working on yourselves for so long, who courageously face your fears, your deep wounds, or even your anger. Through this release of your issues, you are paving the way for others. You open new ways, your consciousness expands more and more and thereby also for others. 

    You were and are a lighthouse for so many people who are also now on the path of transformation. Every single one of you, who is in his heart, is shaping the transformation. 

    And the effects of the intense portal days, as you call them, of the past months, will now be felt, clearly felt, in the coming weeks. The power of these days has led to a very significant step in the global evolution. Namely, the subconsciousness of all people will now be much more present. It will be open and thereby many old imbalances, wounds and grievances will come to light. They can no longer be permanently repressed. It will be painful, dear light sparks, but at the same time very valuable. Accept it.

    You have already transformed so much, you can still do it.

    Your subconscious wants to be cleaned up. It is partially overflowing. Try to gratefully accept everything that will show up in the next few months. These are partly stored old conflicts or karmic entanglements, which may have been stored there for centuries or millennia of your time calculation. This can temporarily lead to open conflicts with your fellow human beings.

    However, do not worry. We are there. You will get support from us. Everything will be cleared up and many things in you, in all of you, can be redeemed.

    Trust. Everything is also happening for the collective. Trust. Everything is for the great transformation. You are the transformation. Yes, you with the open heart.  You are the change. Each one and then all together.

    Your hearts open the collective path into a heightened consciousness. Do not wait for the others to go ahead. Do not wait for a collective awakening overnight. Because it won't be like that. Every single one counts. And every single one can approach the world right now, right now, with compassion and love. And that will be what will really realize change and transformation globally. Right now is the time.

    Let your hearts shine with every step, every breath, and into every encounter. Come and abide in your heart's love, for that is exactly what is needed. And that is exactly what restores the balance needed in the individual and in the many fellow human beings. This balance is needed to finally end old conflicts and to open the door to new loving solutions in all areas of life.

    The majority of you have already chosen love and those who still dwell in anger, resistance, and rejection are in truth still too deeply wounded to receive love. Yet their souls also long for it, very much so.

    Therefore, dear light sparks, be humble towards them. Do not judge. Love of the heart does not judge.

    Whatever happens on the outside, know that it serves you all. It is happening to bring you back into balance. 

    We know you're being battered, tested, and challenged. We know that. However, dear ones, it is at the same time an extremely instructive time, for your souls are learning how something beautiful new can grow out of all these experiences. 

    You are learning so much about love, about creation and the transformation of the new Earth and the new Man. That is exactly why you are here. That is why you have chosen this time for your incarnation. Remember.

    Do not regret the supposed limitations but feel your heart field and you can create your very own, pleasant, free reality in the midst of it and at the same time support the overall good.

    Do not choose suffering anymore. Stay in your good feeling, because this, exactly this, is the way into the next higher level of consciousness, the way into the new world, as a new human being.

    You, dear light sparks, are the transformation. Trust and remember your decision.

    I say goodbye now.

    See you soon.

    With great love, your Archangel Gabriel.

January 27th 2021 Archangel Chamuel

You conscious human being!

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    Yes, I am Archangel Chamuel.

    I don't care how my name is pronounced. Everything is right, everything is good.

    I greet you, you conscious person. Yes, you are conscious. I mean you, the very you who is listening now. 

    You are a conscious person, an awakened person, otherwise, you would not be listening now. You are quite wonderful and your ability to perceive is becoming more and more intense. You perceive a great deal. You always perceive a lot when you are in your heart space, when you listen to the language of your soul. 

    Your soul speaks with you and you hear it when your heart space is wide open and you are completely with yourself. When you are completely with yourself, in silence, then you hear the voice of your soul. But only then, because it is quiet. 

    The voice from your head is loud and it often wants to drown out the voice that comes from your heart. But it is up to you which voices you want to hear. It is your decision. Again and again, you are asked. 

    You decide about your life. You decide whether you are free or whether you let yourself be constricted. 

    On the outside, you are constricted. Therefore I advise you: Create your inner freedom. It is your decision whether you give up the responsibility for yourself or whether you take it over yourself. It is your decision. 

    Do you want to let go of the old in order to be free for the new? 

    You are on the way to the new path. You are no longer the person you were yesterday, or a week ago, or a month ago, or a year ago. 

    You are on the way to the new person and therefore I advise you: Create freedom in yourself. Let go of old things that have served you for a long, long, long time. Embrace it lovingly. Thank all the old patterns in you and then release them. Release them with lots and lots of love. Let them fly into the sky. Look after the old one, as when a black cloud flows out of you, floats.  Wave after him and then feel, feel the inner freedom. It is palpable. Then invite the new. Invite the new vibrations to you. 

    You have such great, extremely strong vibrations with you on Earth. Invite them to flow into you, into your system. Fill yourself with it and reprogram yourself. Recode yourself with new wonderful information. As a free human being. As a loving human being. 

    Be a pioneer for others. What you can transform in yourself, you do at the same time for all on the outside. You go your way. 

    Maybe you sometimes doubt that you are not important, that you are too small, too weak, too powerless. I tell you that you are important. You are you and you are very important. 

    Open your heart. Look inside. 

    Maybe you close your eyes now, in this moment. Breathe consciously into your heart. Maybe you feel how it opens. Look inside with your inner eye. Maybe you see a light. It is your light. And the more you look into it, the bigger it will become. Because your energy is flowing to that light and your energy is nourishing that light, it can increase. Feel, see, perceive your light. You are important and your light will show others the way, will light the way for others. You, you wonderful, conscious human being that you are. Yes, you are. Allow yourself to be. You are. You are important. 

    If you go outside now, open your eyes, stay in that awareness. Maybe you can even perceive me. Maybe you can feel me, as warmth. Maybe you see me, as light or as a great apparition. Everything is possible. If you want it, I will show myself. What do you see? Perceive it and trust in it. Trust in your perception. Trust in your feeling. Trust in the voice of your soul that comes from your heart.

    Yes, this is what I wanted to share today.

    I, Archangel Chamuel, say goodbye now and I am very, very, very grateful that you have listened to me.

January 10th 2021 Aaron


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    I greet you, dear surface humans.

    I, Aaron from the Inner Earth.

    I welcome you to a new year in your calendar. And it will truly be new on so many levels.

    Through the powerful transformation that has occurred through your virus, so much newness is unfolding in each individual. And now it is important, dear ones, to look within, to become aware. What is important? 

    Reflect on the "I am! I exist."

    This is your most fundamental state, which you have completely forgotten due to the many distractions outside. But without feeling yourself, no love can be felt, or bliss, or all the other wonderful qualities of your being.

    In the distraction, dear surface humans, you are always outside of yourself. Your focus is outward and the door is opened to experiencing suffering or fear. For the energies from which you unconsciously form your reality do not respond to you in this state, because you are distracted and not at the helm of your life. 

    This is what you humans have been caught in for a long time, and in order to reach the next higher level, it is very important to see through and stop the distraction game you play with yourself every day.

    "I am!"

    Make yourselves aware of it over and over again.

    "I am!"

    That means to be in the here and now. To be very consciously aware of this moment.

    This is the basis of perceiving one's own consciousness at all and it will be the most important basis of the coming time, next to the love of the heart.

    "I am!"

    The virus helps consciousness to unfold and humanity to become aware of the grievances in society in order to be able to change something as well. And during your ordinances that are present, a beautiful level of awareness will be released in humanity and it will become more and more noticeable in the coming months. 

    It is the consciousness of the new Earth and it will further accelerate the ascension. This level is fed by already more conscious people and more and more people will be able to connect to it. You too can be part of it!

    From our point of view, from the Inner Earth, this beautiful golden layer of human consciousness is peeling out. In it glitters the living wisdom from all experiences.

    We observe it and we rejoice.

    When a level of development is nearing its end, the collective wisdom is absorbed by all. It is the true gift that makes your soul shine in new colors. It is multidimensional and gives the ability to create new worlds and things. 

    Do not expect everyone to be able to join immediately. Everyone needs their time. The only thing that is important is that you decide.

    It is important that you decide if you want to resonate. 

    Feel into it together with me for a moment.

    Imagine a golden shining plane full of love and wisdom rising up. Touch it with your inner hands and feel this love. Say "yes" to it. 

    Here your consciousness may orient itself and you can choose that this level also develops in you. It is elevated consciousness that your soul has created and perfected with beautiful facets of love through human existence. 

    This is a reward of your life on Earth.

    Breathe the love of this plane through you. Let it flow, let it happen and allow yourself to open your consciousness and heart further.

    Stay in trust, nourish your field with feelings of gratitude, love and trust to raise your vibration, to stay in your high vibration.

    Dear surface humans, the new year gives a wealth of new potentials, also in your very personal life. Through the shift in the collective, many of you are now being brought into new tasks, new places and life possibilities. A higher vibrational level of your potential will be able to unfold, stimulated by the collective change. 

    Rejoice! The chance of a new stage of life has come for you. Welcome it joyfully. 

    Yes, it will be a year for all people of the deep cleansing process and also another year with challenges. But overall, much harshness and disharmonic vibration has already been released from the collective field. Perhaps you can sense that there is a soft, loving, new vibration in the air that will integrate more strongly with each individual as the year progresses.

    It is the new, golden, collectively realized level of consciousness. In it, everything flows more harmoniously, more lovingly, more peacefully. It prepares a ground for the future awakening of people in a 5D consciousness, beyond fear, beyond suffering. 

    It also prepares the ground for you to leave the perception of time as you have known it until now and enter into a feeling of eternity. As you know it, a feeling of oneness. 

    Find a positive feeling within yourself and practice it. Stay there with your focus. Feel it. Feel the love within you.

    Yes, dear ones, it is an exciting time of transformation, but it will be the year of love. Enter the new level of love on earth together. The ground is there. Continue to nurture in. 

    And our hearts, our hearts in the Inner Earth sing with you in highest joy.

    In deeply connected love.

    See you soon. Stay in trust.

    Your loving Aaron.

December 22nd 2020 Archangel Gabriel

Create your own vision for the new year!

  • Transcription

    I greet you, beloved light spark.

    Yes, I am here and I want to speak to you today.

    I, Archangel Gabriel.

    I want you to feel my love, my embrace. Feel held and carried and protected by me.

    The last days of the year are coming. The change into the new year is coming and your soul wants to get rid of some things that have burdened you for a long time.

    Know, the new days of the coming year receive you in an unprecedented energy. An energy quality of purity, because in the coming year important impulses will be initiated. And for humanity to make these profound changes, I want you to be ready. For this, a pure, high power is needed, which has flowed to you almost unnoticed in the last months.

    Beloved light spark, your subconscious receives thereby the impulse to strip off old burdens, or also stored remnants, even more intensively, in order to be able to open for the new. 

    You can support this process wonderfully by honestly turning inward with yourself and deciding: 

    What do you no longer want to live? 

    What do you want to say goodbye to?

    Create your own vision for the new year.

    How do you want to live in the future?

    How can you radiate and express your love in everyday life?

    How can you live the truth?

    I know your inner self feels agitated because much is new, much is out of balance.

    Your energy body, indeed your entire system, is trying to adapt to the new incoming frequencies and this is not always easy. Your system reacts with deep cleansing processes.

    We ask you, I and my brothers and sisters, to deal lovingly with yourself during this time and not to project your negative emotions onto your fellow human beings.

    These negative emotions are necessary for your becoming conscious and show you your inner wounds. They are parts that still need healing. Decide to accept them lovingly and to make changes that will make you feel well.

    So you will truly go through a sacred time in this last month because your true self will be clearly noticeable under the veils of the old wounds and in moments of contemplation. When you feel silence and love, you will be deeply connected to your true essence and your essence will try to shine stronger through you so that you notice it. 

    I feel the brightness that arises when you make contact with your divinity and these are indescribable moments and I wish you from the bottom of my heart that you can also feel and see them.

    You are so patient and devoted. Your paths of exploration and experience that you have walked, they were not easy and now the global energies are already so high so that your divinity can approach you again a little further. 

    And so do not worry, beloved light spark. Stay in your trust and let yourself be carried. Let yourself be guided. For this is your safest path in stormy times.

    Trust, the storm inside you will pass, as well as the storm outside. It will also gradually subside in other people and as soon as many realize this, let go and remember back to love, to love, everything will come together in a wonderful unity.  

    This will begin with a very tender feeling of heartfelt love. The spirit of Christmas will also contribute to this. It will shine brighter in your heart, in your heart, and your divinity will be very close to you.

    Beloved light spark, I and all my brothers and sisters are with you in deep connection and we bow to your light.

    Be blessed. See you soon. I will be back.

December 21st 2020 Aaron

You light-filled surface humans!

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    You dear surface humans. I greet you.

    You are wonderful lightworkers. We are very proud of you. You like to call yourselves warriors of light, but for us, you are the light-filled surface humans. 

    We are with you. We are watching you. It is exciting what is going on up there. 

    It is exciting how you deal with the chaos.

    It is exciting and we are always happy when a new light comes.

    I've already said it: You are connected to us through the soles of your feet and the more light you become, the brighter it is for us. The soles of your feet are like stars. They shine and the brighter it becomes, the greater is our joy. And I tell you once again: we are happy to support you. Call us. We are here. All my brothers and sisters are at your disposal, as spirit guides, as light bringers. Everything you need. Just call us.

    Pay attention to the signs. 

    Pay attention to the feelings.

    Pay attention to the images.

    Pay attention to the dreams.

    We are there, we help, we support you.

    You are in a wonderful time.

    Maybe now you are thinking: What is wonderful here?

    You are in the turning time. A turning point is always challenging. But everyone feels that the turning point will be full of light.

    You are at the beginning, but the first step has been taken.

    The first step was your awakening and still is. You are waking up, one faster, the other slower, but you are waking up and there are more and more. 

    Be patient, more and more veils will fall. Even today you have such a powerful energy around you. 

    Many, many will wake up. Be aware of the energy. Not only today, every day.

    Your year is coming to an end and every day that comes now will be decisive for the transformation, will be decisive for your new time. 

    Be aware of everything that is happening around you. Above all, consciously perceive your inner being. Change is happening inside of you. Your inner being is changing. 

    Be very mindful with yourself. The next days are important for everyone. 

    Go within. Try to come into the silence very often. Listen within. Reflect on yourselves. Ask your body. Ask your mind. Ask your soul. Listen within.

    You know everything. All knowledge is within you, love dwells in everyone and God dwells in everyone. Everyone is God and you all have love within you. Use it for yourselves and then let it vibrate outward.

    Let the love flow. 

    Touch everyone who is involved with you. 

    Touch every living being. 

    Touch nature and above all, touch yourself. 

    Remember where you come from. 

    You come from love and you are love.


    Dear surface humans, you are on a good path. Keep on trusting and be mindful of yourselves.

    In this sense I say goodbye to you. Thank you all. 

    See you soon, your Aaron.

December 2nd 2020 Aaron

UNITY is the foundation for the NEW TIME!

  • Transcription

    Hello dear ones, it's me again, Aaron from the Inner Earth.

    This morning I spoke about the deep meaning of love and now it is very important for me or us to add something.

    On the outside as on the inside, there is chaos, you know that yourselves. And I would like to say to you: Chaos is the hour of birth of the new. The new will come. The new will be born through love.

    Perhaps you are thinking now: It will be a long way. It will certainly take forever until everyone has understood this.

    But, dear surface humans, I say to you: There are already many of you. You have been in the time of transformation, of becoming conscious, for such a long time. And if you manage to stay completely with yourselves and go your way full of trust, full of courage in love, you will soon feel like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the old world. 

    Dear surface humans, you have been so long in an age of against each other and now you are at the threshold of the new age, the age of togetherness, an age of togetherness and unity.

    Love is the foundation of the new age and the principle of unity is the foundation for the new age. The principle is not new, no, it is ancient. You have only forgotten it. In the future, it will have to become the supporting element again. 

    The time of duality has already lasted far too long. Now comes the time of unity and you are the pioneers. You are the truth bringers. 

    You must first get to know the principle of unity as the original basis of the world of light and shadow again. However, I say to you: It is worth the effort. 

    Separation is an illusion. You are all connected with each other. Everything belongs together, is ONE.

    Inform yourselves. There is enough information about it. 

    You dear surface humans, you are in the time of becoming conscious. You notice it yourselves. You see through more and more. You feel more and more. And you feel how important togetherness is. Do not let this be forbidden to you. 

    Go your way into the new age in love.  

    In the next few weeks very strong, powerful vibrations will come to you. Use them.

    Come and stay in love.

    I tell you once again: 

    Love is the most important thing in your life. 

    Love yourselves and everything that lives on our beautiful planet.

    Love, love, love.

    And with that I say goodbye now.

    With love, your Aaron.

Live the love - it brings the change!

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    I greet you, beloved surface humans.

    I, Aaron.

    And I am glad that I may share a few words with you again. 

    Thank you all for being so brave. Yes, you are brave. You are going your way. You are not wavering. You are in trust and that is wonderful.

    We in Inner Earth are very proud of you. Keep going. You are on a good path. Keep raising your frequencies. I can't say it enough. It is becoming more important than ever.

    You are at the turning point. Everything is changing. Yes, you know it. 

    And I keep saying it: 

    Raise your frequencies. 

    Open your heart. 

    Open your heart to yourselves. 

    And decide, decide for love. I can't say this often enough either. 

    Start loving yourself unconditionally. Model it to others. Love, love is what will bring the great change. It is the love that is needed. This boundless creative power, in its boundless vibration, that will change everything. 

    It is the love.

    Write it down. Remind yourselves again and again.

    Love has the greatest power.

    You have come from love and love is allowed to enter our beautiful planet. 

    It is love that is needed, more than ever.

    Try to live love. Try to feel this vibration and pass it on.

    Love heals everything inside you.

    Love heals everything outside.

    Beloved surface humans, you are quite wonderful. You are brave souls. Go ahead. Show it to your brothers and sisters. Tell it.

    It is love.

    Love will change everything and will fix everything, for good.

    Stay in trust. Go your way. Go your way in love and all will be well. 

    Believe me, I know what I am talking about. I have already told you. We have gone the same way. 

    And that's how we know: Love will bring the change.

    And that's it for today. I will come back and I thank you. 

    Love each other. Live the love and everything will be fine. Trust.

    See you soon, thank you, thank you, thank you. 

November 18th 2020 Aaron

Love has the greatest power!

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    You beloved surface humans.

    I greet you. I, Aaron, from the Inner Earth.

    My brothers and sisters have instructed me: "Aaron, wake up the people up there. Most of them are still asleep. They are still unaware of what is at stake."

    Yes, dear surface humans, that is how it is.

    I think I need to say it clearly today.

    You are being brilliantly distracted from what is being done to you. 

    The virus is a distraction. 

    We know many of you feel it, feel the truth. But not enough people yet.

    I'll say it again: the virus is a distraction.

    Get informed. Do your research. Wake up. Get active. Take action. But not with weapons, not with your ego. No, you know it, with your hearts.

    You have been on the path of love for years. And now it is time, it is high time to let it flow out.

    Dear ones, there is a lot at stake. It is about the world change. And it affects everyone, everyone. And you are all co-creators of the new world. 

    Free yourselves from dependencies on the outside. You are so powerful. Finally become aware of your self-power. 

    Your power is love.

    Love is the greatest power.

    Touch your neighbor. 

    It is about heart-to-heart touch. 

    If you see yourselves as lightworkers, then go outward. Become lovingly active. Speak your mind. Speak the truth. Come out as the loving lightworkers that you are. 

    With your awareness and heart power, you are creating a huge energy potential that can bring the change you have been waiting for so long.

    The vibration within you and outside has to increase permanently. Truth and love simply vibrate a thousand times higher than lies and hate.

    All, even the supposedly dark powers, carry the love of God in them, carry God's light in them, are God's children. Send love to them tirelessly. They need it the most. Move away from judging. Share your love. Be love. Live in love.

    Love has the greatest power.

    Yes, dear ones. I know you are aware of many things. But unfortunately, far too many are still asleep and that's why I too come back tirelessly to tell you. Until everyone understands.

    There is so much at stake.

    It is about the life of all of you.

    About your life in truth, freedom and love.

    That is what it is about. 

    And we hope very much, we in Inner Earth, that finally the change will happen. And we support you. So much love is flowing to you from the Inner Earth. Love is carrying you. Be ready to receive it. Connect again and again with Father and Mother Earth and with us. Receive our love through the soles of your feet. Nourish yourselves with our love. We live in unconditional love and from us you can receive as much love as you need to let it flow on your, our planet.

    It is possible. Change is possible and it is coming. 

    Stay in trust. 

    Raise your vibration. 

    Live the love.

    That's it for today.

    See you soon. We are with you, always.

November 10th 2020 Archangel Gabriel

Step into self-responsibility and stay centered!

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    Yes, I greet you, beloved ligh sparks.

    That's right, Archangel Gabriel is here and I have a few words for you, not much but important.

    I would like to ask you to stay in your center. And if you are not in your center, make sure that you get back on track. Make sure that you are and stay with yourselves.

    On the outside, things are going to get really chaotic again and I can only say to you: take care of it, take care of your own responsibility. Go into your own responsibility. You alone are responsible for yourselves, nobody else. Make sure that no one determines what might be good for your body, so that you don't get sick. 

    Listen to yourselves. 

    Feel the truth. 

    Feel what is good for you. 

    Everyone knows this only for themselves. No one else knows what your body needs, what your soul needs, what your spirit needs. You are in charge and no one else. And you decide. 

    And you, dear ligh sparks, continue to make sure that your frequency increases. At least that you remain in a high vibration. Don't forget this, keep raising vibration, keep doing the beautiful things that raise your frequencies. We have already told you enough about how to do that. You know it. Remember. It's more important than ever. It is coming to a head around you. 

    Therefore once again: 

    Take care of yourselves. 

    Make peace within yourselves. 

    Open your heart to love. 

    Let love flow into your heart for yourselves. 

    Fill yourselves up with love and then let it flow outward. 

    You are already doing this beautifully. You have already connected, many of you. Stay with it. Keep doing it. It's more important than ever. 

    That's what I wanted to share with you today. I will be back. There's still a lot to say. 

    See you all soon. And thank you for letting me speak.

October 27th 2020 Archangel Gabriel

Be the creator of your life!

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    Greetings, beloved light spark, who is listening to me now. It is I, Archangel Gabriel.

    Today it is about love for yourself.

    You may be thinking: Why is today about my self-love? I am living it. I've been at it for a long time. There are much more important things on the outside. Our confusion on the outside. The chaos on our beautiful planet. 

    And I tell you, beloved human being, the chaos on the outside will continue for quite a while. And therefore, everyone is called upon to make his contribution. And this succeeds quite simply if you look after your confusion. It is about your change within you and nothing is more important at this time.

    Perhaps you might put your hand on your heart center now and take a look inside and realize who you are. Recognize who you really and truly are. With what awareness are you with yourself and in your center?

    Life is not only about recognizing who you are, but rather about being true. Only when you perceive your truthfulness, live it, can the outside also become truthful.

    Love for yourself is the key to truth, to you. Recognizing who you are is the precursor to waking up. And waking up is what this time is all about. It is the preliminary stage to awakening and enlightenment. First recognize what it is that guides you, shapes you, makes you, and then don't dwell on that energy but have the courage to be who you are originally formed to be. 

    Drop your inner masks of being and just be the human soul you really are. Do not lie to yourself. Do not run after anyone. Do not imitate anyone. Be you as you are. Be yourself.

    Recognizing this is no longer enough. After that, it is about being, about living this being, your being.

    There are human beings who, without using their senses, go their way and wonder why they always come to the same forks in the road. They have chosen this way of living. To have the same experiences over and over again. 

    And there are human beings who make a conscious stop at this fork in the road and decide, through the silence of their heart, to end the old way and take a new one.

    It is up to you how often and how intensively you perceive your learning tasks, which you have in truth imposed on yourself.

    When you realize that you are the creator of your life, you also realize that you decide on the course of your life.

    I, from the spiritual world, would like to encourage you to finally consciously step out of any victim role and to walk life, your life, in a self-responsible way. 

    Be the change that you wish for on the outside. You know this sentence.

    And there is no turning back. Everything is in motion. And admit it to yourself, things will never be the same. Everything is in motion and in the bottom of your heart you have been waiting so long for this change, for this transformation.

    Everything is in motion, the Earth, the people and so also you in your development. Let yourself be captured by your heart current and swim along with your wave of love.

    You are the creator of your life.

    Through your recognition, through your increase in vibration, the veil of forgetfulness will gradually be lifted from you more and more. The veil that separates you from your soul. 

    It is you yourself who can lift this veil and let the light in through love for yourself, now and all the time.

    Love for you, your heart's love, makes everything possible.

    However, dear human being, it is not enough to recognize. Recognizing is the first step. After that comes doing. Doing means living this realization. This is the decisive impulse of change inside you and then the outside can follow you.

    Your life is formed according to your consciousness. As soon as you change the way, your whole perspective changes at the same time. 

    Therefore I would like to encourage you: Change your life, your thinking, your acting, your speaking.

    Be mindful. Try to get rid of old patterns. Simply be open to your heart's voice. Listen to your heart voice. It always tells you the truth and leads you to truth, to truthfulness.

    Love yourself. Be the creator of your life. Be the change.

    Beloved human being, you are immeasurably loved. Love yourself too and be worthy of living a life of light and love.

    You are worth it.

    This was my message for today. Thank you for listening, for doing, for living.

    Go your way, the way you have chosen for yourself. 

    Put your inner mask aside and look into your soul core, into your true self.

    Beloved human being, see you soon.

October 13th 2020 Aaron

Remember, keep the faith and hang in there!

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    Hello, you beloved surface humans.

    This is Aaron from the Inner Earth.

    You dear surface humans. For weeks I have been telling you again and again: Raise your vibration. 

    And this may continue to happen. It is becoming more and more important. The frequency of Mother Earth, of the powerful moon and of the sun increases more and more. And therefore you are also challenged. You have already received much valuable advice. Remember.

    Many of you practice it regularly. We are all very proud of you. Keep it up. Keep it up.

    However, I would like to tell you something important, which you have probably already noticed, but I will say it anyway:

    The higher you swing, the more you will see through the outside. 

    The higher you vibrate, the more intensively your unresolved issues come up, want to be noticed by you, to be worked on, to be solved. 

    Nothing can be covered up. 

    In this time nothing can be covered up.

    Everything comes to light.

    And thus it can also become painful.

    However, know, you wonderful light workers, that afterward, you will be like purified, maybe even in the new, next dimension.

    Of course, your increased frequency also has an effect on your body. You can feel it yourselves. And especially on your energy body. You become more luminous, more luminous and of course your fellow human beings notice this. Therefore, do not be surprised that some suddenly avoid you, even disappear from your life, because they can not stand your energy. This happens unconsciously, of course. Others tap into you and nourish themselves through you, also unconsciously. And again others become aggressive through your high vibration. They may even verbally attack you or talk negatively about you.

    Everything is part of it, dear ones, and everything is perfectly normal. The thing to do is to stay in trust, to stay with yourself, to stay on the path. 

    Your light serves the whole universe, do not forget this. Persevere, warriors of the light. It's going to get down to the wire once again. I would like to ask you: Keep the faith. Use all the tools you have learned over the years. Hang in there. Stick to those who are already in the next dimension. They will gladly help and support you from the bottom of their hearts to get through this challenging time. Because, they are in love and trust. 

    Discover your soul power too. Draw energy on the portal days. Remember, Mother Earth is a great source of strength for you. And remember your decision. You have said yes to life and this yes to life increases your energy many times over. 

    Remember your decision. Stay in trust and increase your energy, day by day.

    Dear surface humans, even if it is very challenging, the time, your life, you have made it a gift to you. 

    Your life, your yes to life, you have made it a gift to yourselves. And we are all here, we are happy to support you in this transformation into the golden age. We walk with you, we guide you, we support you, we guide you and we protect you. 

    We from Inner Earth, all your star brothers and sisters and all from the spirit world and many more from other planets. It is indescribable how many helpers are around you.

    Keep trusting, you are not alone. 

    And connect yourselves. Come together. Exchange yourselves. Help each other.

    You wonderful surface humans, and with this I say goodbye today. And once again thank you, thank you for listening, for implementing.

    Thank you, see you soon.

September 26th 2020 Aaron

God loves everyone - without exception!

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    Yes, beloved surface humans.

    I am here once again. I am with you quite often and also today. Yes, what can I tell you? At the moment everything feels so calm with you. So calm and restless at the same time. 

    We are also a bit amazed in the Inner Earth. Stunned that it doesn't go on. It is like a standstill, in you, in the whole world. Except for Mother Earth, there continues to be a lot of movement. Mother Earth is shaking and shaking. Mother Earth is purifying. Mother Earth is transforming.

    You, beloved surface humans, are also transforming, many of you. But we feel a standstill, as if you don't know, do I go this way or rather this way, or rather a completely different way. 

    It's good to understand, we understand what it's like inside of you. You are still confused. It is in fact confusing, confusing what is happening with you right now. 

    And I can only say again and again: Stay in trust, you beloved human souls. Remain in trust. Look within and let your light grow. 

    Enter your heart as often as you can. Feel yourselves. Feel the great love for you. God the Father and God the Mother are in you, in each of you, in each of us. We are ONE. God and we are ONE.

    And that is why you can remain in trust, in confidence and in love. This is the most important message for this time. Try to come into love, day by day, minute by minute, second by second.

    Open your heart. Open yourselves to yourselves. Love yourselves. At least try. If you reject yourselves, you reject our Father in Heaven. Is that what you want?

    I say it again: we are ONE. We are ONE.

    You have only separated yourselves from God, sometime, many many many years ago. And that is exactly what must change in this time in which we live.

    If you want to enter the golden age, then the separation may dissolve, it may be transformed.

    And therefore again and again my advice: Connect yourselves. Come together. Come together. Let your heart touch each other. Touch each other. Open your heart to each other and much much good will happen. Trust in that.

    Dear surface humans, you all need each other. Together you are strong. Together you have an amazing energy, a wonderful vibration. Then it becomes even brighter for us.

    Whenever you are well, when you are in love, in bliss, you shine and through the soles of your feet, we receive your light. I have told you before, you are like stars. Every single foot from which light shines is a star for us. And we rejoice when it becomes bright, and even brighter and even brighter.

    You dear surface humans, we love you so much. We support you where we can.

    Keep waking up. Be ready for the golden age. Let your hearts be touched. Connect yourselves. Stay in trust. God is in each one of us. And God loves everyone, without exception.

    That's it for today. I am very happy that you perceive my words, absorb them and feel the truth. And I hope very much that these words warm you, nourish you, fill you up, inspire you and maybe create a lot of peace in you.

    See you soon, thank you, I thank you and I thank you, beloved soul.

September 13th 2020 Ashtar Sheran

Courage for growth!

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    I greet you, beloved human beings, and I am very happy that you are listening to me.

    I, Ashtar Sheran.

    I like to call myself the father of your star brothers and sisters.

    Your star brothers and sisters are among you.

    There are over a hundred thousand of them now. Are you aware of them? They are very interested in your growth. They want to support you.

    Yes, beloved human beings, you are in a time of transformation and in an enormous period of growth. 

    In every incarnation you human beings have the possibility to grow. For this, the old may be let go in order to integrate the new. 

    And so it is also in this incarnation. You have decided, or I say many of you have decided, to grow, to come into the next dimension. 

    To come into the next dimension, that involves the process of growth. And in this incarnation, the growth process will be drastically intense.

    You knew on the soul level about this intensity and gave your consent to it.

    In the past, the soul had to provide a whole life in order to experience a present growth phase of about ten years. It is as if you are now coping with many lifetimes in one incarnation.

    Dear ones, it is a unique chance for a soul and that is also the reason why so many people are living on Earth at the moment.

    Consider it a privilege, a gift, to be on Earth now and welcome your growth process full of love. 

    The new perspectives will compensate you. Your true self is being peeled out of the old patterns and born into a new dimension of abundance. You will gradually realize who you really are.

    Welcome home.

    Periods of growth normally occur in cycles for every human being. However, at this time they are indicated for everyone during the transformation, because you have to transform a lot of the old so that you can integrate the new energy. So don't be surprised if everyone around you has to deal with it to a greater or lesser extent, and each in their own way.

    This all has to do with the accelerated powerful energy that will eventually take you into the fifth dimension.

    Therapists of all kinds will have their hands full in the coming years to guide and support people into their transformation. Make use of this, because it can be very helpful to be taken by the hand. Of course, you will have to solve your transformation yourselves. It will be of great value. 

    You will notice that you are not alone in your process but that many other people are also in their growth phase.

    This phase will change you a lot and will help you to break old paradigms.

    The old human will change in favor of his new identity. An inner liberation will take hold of people and allow them to find completely new solutions for their lives and their society.

    A profound healing, a reconnection, a recollection of oneself, will give people the strength, will give you the strength to go through this transformation time.

    Have courage, even if the present and the coming years are difficult, they will bring you fulfillment. To feel yourself, to be in harmony with yourself, are the ways to happiness. 

    Storms on the outside will no longer be able to completely upset you. On the contrary, you will be able to serve the Earth and your fellow human beings better. You will become like regeneration pillars or light or lighthouses that show other people their further way. Because the light and peace that you then radiate are the best tools for your environment. That is why role models are valuable in these troubled times. I emphasize, role models not leaders. 

    The time of the gurus is over. Now in the turning point time everyone is his own guru. 

    Everyone is allowed to be aware of his or her own responsibility and still be helped and supported or be taken by the hand for a while.

    Yes, you are at a turning point, a growth phase and phases of greatest bliss will alternate with phases of chaotic nature, in which you no longer understand your world and everything seems unreal to you.

    But, dear human beings, this is part of the present time. This time and this chaos lead you to a new life, to new views of life, to a new reality.

    Even in chaos there is a group plan, there is a group plan behind it.

    Trust and go your way, truthfully, authentically and courageously.

    It will soon become clearer. The powerful energies that reach you, again and again, provide clarity, truth. Take them into you again and again. It will become easier and easier.

    Dear human beings, rejoice. Be happy to have incarnated in this time, even if it is sometimes difficult. The time you are in will last a little longer. Be patient, practice trust, help each other and let yourself be helped by us, by the masters who already walk on Earth, and there are many of them.

    That's it for today. I thank you for listening to me. I thank the human soul who makes himself available as a medium.

    Have courage, have faith, accept your growth phase.

    See you soon.

    Your Ashtar Sheran.

September 2nd 2020 Aaron

Freedom for the feminine side!

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    Good morning, Cornelia Dagmar. 

    This is Aaron.

    I know you have already felt me.

    I'm speaking to you today and to everyone you pass it on to. I'm glad you're ready to pass on again, because I know sometimes you block yourself for some reason and receive only for yourself. Yes, you have to clear your throat because your throat chakra is a little blocked because all that is coming at you is a lot and you have to sort it out. But you manage and now you are ready again. 

    Today is the full moon and the full moon is very important, not only today. The moon will become more and more important, for you, for all of you. 

    The moon represents femininity and it is about femininity, in the time you are in. 

    The feminine is allowed to become stronger. 

    The feminine is allowed to expand.

    The feminine is in demand, the gentleness, the intuition, the love, the loving togetherness.

    Femininity is allowed to expand in everyone, especially in men. 

    Men have so much femininity in them and they have partially cut off the femininity. All men have a powerful feminine side.

    You men, allow your gentleness, your love to live, to show. Your vulnerability, allow yourselves to cry. Allow yourselves to feel, to express your feelings. It is important for your time of change. And it is important now to live your femininity.

    Also you women, live your femininity. You have become much, much too masculine. I know there is a reason for it. You always had to be strong, the last thousands of years. You have also partially separated your femininity, for many good reasons. We know that. We have witnessed it all.

    It is time. Skin yourselves. Drop your masks. Live your true self. Live the femininity in you, whether man or woman. This is asked and this is important, more important than ever. 

    And so connect with the moon. It is most powerful on full moon days.

    Connect yourselves, just as you connect yourselves to the meridians of your planet. Connect with the moon.

    The moon supports you, raises your vibration, makes you clearer and clearer, makes you grow. And it supports you in living your femininity. 

    It is very simple. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply into yourself. Let your breath take you inside, to your heart, to your temple of the soul. And when you are deep in your heart, imagine a ray, a beam of light flowing from your heart to the moon. A street of light. This ray of light reaches the moon, is filled with the vibrations of the moon, and radiates back to you, gentle, benevolent, feminine. And this femininity, this gentleness, this love, flows into your heart and expands within you with every breath. It fills you. Everything that belongs to you.

    And that's it. It is not difficult. It's simple. And it always works, whether it's a full moon, whether it's a new moon, it doesn't matter, it always works, every day.

    That, dear ones, is what I wanted to share with you today.

    Thank you, Cornelia Dagmar, for being ready.

    Thank you, see you soon, you dear surface humans.

August 23rd 2020 Archangel Gabriel

New time - New body!

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    I greet you, dear lightspark.

    I, Archangel Gabriel.

    How are you? Yes, I ask you this because it is important. How are you? Do you sometimes ask yourself: How am I doing?

    Do you sometimes listen into yourself: How am I doing?

    Beloved lightspark, ask yourself this. Your soul temple, your body is changing right now. Listen to it. Your body is like the Earth. It is being shaken. It is transforming. It is changing. The world is finding itself anew. You can see it and feel it if you are mindful. Your body is changing. Therefore, be mindful, feel into your body.

    Beloved lightspark, new time, new body.

    Maybe you have wondered about one thing or another, but couldn't explain it to yourself. 

    Maybe you need much less sleep and still, you are not tired during the day but much more awake than before. 

    Maybe you have a different digestion or you have new eating habits. Foods that are easy to digest taste better to you. You prefer local, old fruits and vegetables.

    Become mindful. Trust your body. Get in touch with your body. It knows best what is good for you. It will tell you.

    Everyone who is on the way to the next dimension gets a new body. 

    Be mindful. 

    Your body needs more light. Therefore, go outside as often as you can. Even when the sun is not shining, it feeds you with light. 

    Your body is constantly detoxifying because all the old energies want to be said goodbye. It happens through your skin. You may have wondered why you sweat so much more than you used to. Your body is detoxifying, it is cleansing itself.

    And as your energy bodies want to be cleansed, so does your physical body. As a result, it becomes more and more light, more and more transparent. 

    The sacred energies that are coming to you right now, for example, on the portal days, can be absorbed much more easily. 

    And your vibration will gradually become higher and higher. 

    You will wake up more and more and see through everything more easily.

    New time, new body!

    This is the plan, this is the way. 

    You have decided.

    Rejoice, it will be easier than you think.

    Just be ready.

    The God and the Goddess in you want to awaken, want to become one and this succeeds only in a body full of light.

    Yes, beloved lightspark, so be it.

    The transformation is taking place.

    You are in the middle of it.

    Be attentive, feel, make contact with the temple of your soul and the easier it will become.

    Yes, that's what I wanted to share today. 

    Dear medium, thank you for that, for your willingness. 

    We in the spiritual world are happy about all people who pass on our information.

    Thank you, thank you.

    See you soon.

August 10th 2020 Archangel Gabriel

Remember your task - look within, connect. You are important!

  • Transcription

    Hello, I greet you. You who is listening now. Yes, I mean you. I am so happy that I am allowed to talk to you through this pure channel. 

    All of us from the spiritual world are very happy about it, about every person who makes himself available as a channel, because we have a lot to say to you, if you want it. It is always about you, about your decision. And also these words that are coming to all of you now, coming to you.

    It's about this: reflect and remember. Maybe you have been on this Earth a hundred times, maybe a thousand times, maybe for the first time. Maybe you come from another star, from another planet. Everything is possible. 

    However, I say to you, reflect, remember. You have chosen the planet Earth to have your experiences. Earth is a planet of experience and you chose to incarnate on Earth before you were born. You chose to be here and now. To be there when everything changes. It was your decision, do not forget it.

    And I say to you: Remember!

    Remember what your task is. Yes, you wanted to have many experiences and you have already had many experiences. Your experiences have made you what you are now. And you had the light in you from the beginning. And the more experiences you have had, the clearer your light has become and it goes on and on. Each experience makes your light brighter, clearer, purer. And every experience brings you to your task.

    Remember. What task have you chosen? You have not chosen this life now for nothing. You have a task and deep inside you know it. You know it.

    Remember. Everybody has a task. Everybody has a task. Everyone has a contribution to make, including you. And even if it is still so small, you are important, you light-full being. 

    Look within. Look at this diamond that is in your heart center. Look at it. Notice it and remember it.

    I hear that you are thinking now: How can I do this? Go out into nature. Connect with like-minded souls. Together you are strong and together comes the memory.

    Connect with me, with us, with the Inner Earth, with ascended masters. Ascended masters also dwell here on Earth, who can guide you, who have made it their task.

    Everything is ready for you. Reach out.

    You human soul who is listening right now, I mean you. 

    Take hold!

    That's what I wanted to tell you today.

    I, Archangel Gabriel. I say goodbye and I am full of gratitude that you are listening to me.


August 3rd 2020 Archangel Gabriel

The second storm is coming soon

  • Transcription

    Hello, you lightsparks. I greet you.

    I, your Archangel Gabriel.

    I am here. Yes, I have been here all morning and this vibration is felt.

    I am pleased to be able to speak a few words to you. It is very important to me to speak to you again and again.

    You, you humans, here on Earth, are very very important to us. You have not incarnated for nothing in this time. 

    Think about your power, your self-responsibility. Take care of yourselves. It is very important: clean your energy system so that you are free, free from all the blockages that make you tired and sluggish, that prevent you from being awake, from feeling. You must feel the truth, see through the lies.

    We have told you before and it is more important than ever: the truth must come out, dear ones.

    You are in a great transformation. You are needed. I tell you again: you are all needed.

    Do you want to enter the golden age, as you call it? Or do you want to continue here with all the limitations imposed on you, having to walk around with masks. 

    Is that what you want?

    Wake up. Clean your energy system. You all can. 

    Ask for the violet flame. Let yourselves be purified. Become pure. Become awake and more awake. 

    Feel yourselves. Feel yourselves again.

    See your light. You can see it only when you are pure, when you are free. Free yourselves.

    You are all needed. You are needed awake.

    You may think, "It's all quite normal. We are doing well."

    Dear lightsparks, do not be deceived. This is the calm before the storm.

    I don't want to scare you. I just want to prepare you, we all want to prepare you.

    The wonderful beings in the Inner Earth are with you. Let them help you cleanse yourselves, from everyone from the spirit world. You can do this.

    You must be pure, I will say it again.

    Because, dear ones, the next storm is coming. And it will be stronger. It will be much stronger. 

    Be prepared. Stock up a little bit on food. Don't overdo it. There's enough for everybody. For a few weeks, so that you are prepared, so that you can stay with yourselves and not fall into fear with the others. 

    You don't have to be afraid if you take care of yourselves, raise your frequency day by day, stay in your energy. Stay in your high energy. You will be able to take many others with you, into trust. It is so so so important. 

    Prepare yourselves, purify yourselves, become pure.

    Try to find the truth and pass it on. 

    See through the lies and stay in trust.

    Beloved lightsparks, I recommend: prepare yourselves. Be active. Do your best in this turning point. Everyone, as good as he can. 

    You are all needed and it will be worth it, hang in there, we are here. 

    Many helpers are here, also from other galaxies. Helpers of love, we are helpers of love and you are close to our hearts. 

    We love you and we help you, if you allow it.

    With love I say goodbye and thank you, thank you for letting me speak.

July 24th 2020 Aaron

Be open to yourself - ground yourself - breathe - transform everything old that no longer serves you!

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    Good morning, beloved surface humans.

    It is me, Aaron.

    My message today for you: 

    Continue to be open. Be open to yourself.

    Keep taking time to connect with the energy of Mother Earth, of Lady Gaia, so that you feel supported and make choices based on truth, courage and strength.

    Take time. Ground yourself. Breathe and connect.

    You are in a new time and this is about new values. Now a great transformation is taking place on our planet. Bigger than it has ever been. And all who are ready will be transformed. The old may be let go, the new may come.

    Reflect on your mission. What is your mission? Ask the earth keepers. And reflect, it is within you.

    Bring it to the outside. Support your people in the change. Support our planet in the change with your own mission.

    Therefore, be open, open to yourself.

    You are incarnated here with this mission. It is within you. Bring it to the outside.

    And I'll tell you something else: At the next full moon, be open. It will be a new beginning for you and many others, no matter in which direction. You determine the direction. And this new beginning is already vibrating today. 

    Be ready, it is your decision and only yours. Only you have the power over you, have the responsibility for you.

    Beloved surface human, that was the message for today.

    We love you. See you soon.

July 14th 2020 Aaron

The red foxglove as a homeopathic remedy helps with anxiety and depression!

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    Hello, all you surface humans. I think I have not been with you for a bit longer although I am here with you a lot. Maybe one or the other of you feels it.

    Yes, I would like to pass on a message to you.

    You are in a transformation, in a great transformation. Take a look around you. Your beautiful green planet is also changing. And transformation always means something good, something positive.

    What do you see when you walk through the forest? 

    Many light corners. And it scares you a little bit. You are worried. But there is no need for that. The forest is changing. He lets go of the old and he models it for you. Follow his example. Let go of the old. It does not bring you further. Only in this way can new things come to you, new wisdom, new knowledge. Only in this way can you also change.

    Consciously let go of the old.

    What is growing there, where now there is so much space in the forest? Foxglove grows there, this beautiful plant. You will have already noticed it. Foxglove. And you think: Strange, this poisonous plant. Yes, it is poisonous, but everything, everything, whether it is with you or in nature, has positive and negative in it, light and shadow.

    And the information of Foxglove helps you people, all the people who are in fear and who are depressed or are becoming depressed or are about to become depressed, nourished by fear. And that's where Foxglove helps. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't nature wonderful? Everything has its purpose.

    Maybe you think: I am not in anxiety and I am not depressed but maybe you remember: On your Earth, on our Earth, there have always been ages of depression and this also shows up collectively. Many people are afraid, even if you are not one of them. And isn't it nice that for this reason Foxglove is growing everywhere? This simple help that costs almost nothing.

    Your Mother Earth is your friend. She is changing. She is showing you. Imitate her. Change yourselves. It is very simple. Be mindful, be loving with yourself and feel within yourself: What is allowed to go? What is blocking me? What is hindering me?

    Let it go.

    And that was very important for me to share with you and I thank Cornelia Dagmar that I could share it, that she is ready for it and always feels it as soon as I am there. That makes me very very happy.

    See you soon, dear surface humans.

July 5th 2020 Ashtar Sheran

30% have woken up - the fusion of ego and the High Self is about to take place!

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    I greet you, humans.

    I am Ashtar Sheran.

    They say about me, I am the commander of the wonderful, light star children.

    I do not like commander so much. But you, you humans, gave me that name. I think I'm more like the father, the leader maybe.

    There are so many star children here with you on Earth. A few years ago there were about twenty thousand but the number has tripled. So many star children are there to support you. And believe me, they are needed. They are needed, we all feel it. All of you from the spirit world, all of you from Inner Earth, feel it, feel it. 

    There is a lot of work to be done here with you. Your paths are in a rut. But we are there, we are helping you. For this reason, I have also come today to speak from this soul and I thank you for it.

    Yes, I lead the star children and also I am responsible to protect you against black magic and manipulations. To dissolve curses, oaths, vows.

    Just like my dear friend, Light Lord. He was also with you. But he says: "Very few people contact me."

    We do not know why, but we do not give up. Call me if you get stuck. Call your star brothers and sisters.

    You have already become a few more but still far too few. 

    To express it in percentages: Thirty percent are on their way. That is already quite a lot but not enough. Ten percent of them are already in the fifth dimension and the other twenty are in transition from the third to the fourth and some are about to enter the fifth.

    Be brave, go your way. 

    There are many truth seekers and truth spreaders on the way. Very brave souls. Go to them, go with them. Also live the truth.

    Many are coming out. Not to mention that friends or old soul mates turn away. They go their way, the way of truth. And I can only encourage you: Go with them, dare to be brave, there is a lot at stake.

    You have decided to be present in this life, to participate in this change. Then participate. Do not stay at home. Be involved. Spread your light. 

    Your light is important. You all have it inside you, all of you. Your light must go out. And where you feel that something is blocked, let yourself be helped. 

    If you feel that your freedom is blocked, then let yourself be helped, let it be dissolved. Or if there is guilt information in you, or lack, you are in a wonderful time. It is possible to dissolve all this. Let the spirit world help you, let us help you, let human children help you. 

    There are many, many, many who can and will help you, who work with all their heart, on themselves and for others. The possibility is there. 

    Feel inside for once. Have you decided to be part of this change or have you decided to go along with the seventy percent, to cower, to be constricted, to be imprisoned? 

    Feel - what do you want? What do you really want?

    And believe me, it is possible. The merging can take place, of your ego and your higher self. It's high time to move forward with the merging. And believe me, it will be beautiful. And it is possible.

    I am Ashtar Sheran and I am happy to say a few words to you. And I say goodbye. Call me. Call your star brothers and sisters or others, your spirit guides, the wonderful beings in the Inner Earth. 

    Wherever you are drawn, let them help you to become brave, to stand up, to walk. 

    Do not sit still. Go.

    And now I say goodbye.

June 24th 2020 Archangel Gabriel

Before the 2nd wave comes, the wake-up wave must come!

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    Good morning, beloved lightsparks.

    It is me, Archangel Gabriel.

    Thank you for allowing me to speak to you once again.

    We, my brothers and sisters, and I are watching the whole, I call it spectacle, on your planet. And I'm sorry to say, we can't believe what's going on with you. We sometimes can't believe how easy it is to control most of you, especially those who have not yet woken up in any way.

    We see a global looking away.

    And that is why I have come to speak to you today. That which I have said many times before, until it happens, until you or most people become aware of it.

    Believe me, you beloved lightsparks, it is important, it is high time. Come into the personal responsibility. You have your free will. Use it. We usually help only when you ask us for it, and unfortunately, very few of you do. Therefore, we are very grateful for all those who make themselves available as a channel so that you can hear us.

    We want to support you, prepare you, guide you, direct you and also protect you.

    We know what is still to come. 

    Before the announced second wave comes, the second awakening wave must absolutely come. This is important, very very important. 

    Question everything. Do not let the tender plant of awareness be trampled down. 

    Question everything. 

    Your heart feels the truth, brings you to realizations, brings you to love and only that makes you strong, courageous and brings you into trust.

    And I say it again: 

    Unite, meet, strengthen and help each other. Send visions to the outside. And above all, do not work against each other.

    You all need each other. Together you can move so much. Don't let yourselves be turned against each other, don't fight each other. That is exactly what the dark forces want. That is one point of the plan - to turn you against each other.

    I tell you, you beloved lightsparks, stay with yourselves, feel the truth and connect. 

    Become the bearers of truth.

    Become the bearers of the truth.

    We support you in this. We are with you.

    And countless more, also from other galaxies. Many luminous beings who want to help you. 

    Do not look away. Look. 

    Become awake. Become more and more awake.

    Come lovingly into motion.

    Question everything and feel the truth behind everything.

    This is what waking up means.

    I bless you, beloved lightsparks.

    We are with you and I will be back.

    See you soon.

June 19th 2020 Aaron

The flower of life helps us a lot to raise our vibration!

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    Hello everyone. I would like to pass on to you something that I have just received.

    I have received a beautiful message, mostly for me but some things I would like to pass on to you because I think they are very very very important.

    It's about what we were told, that the more lightful we become, the more we protect ourselves from the electromagnetic radiation, as well as for the 5G, which is now spreading more and more and many are really afraid of it. I am often asked about this.

    Yes, it is nice that we know some things about how we can increase our frequency, our own vibrations and how we can really become more and more crystalline and protect ourselves. But, I've become so aware that not everyone is there yet. Therefore, we need support and more and more ways to raise our vibration.

    And then I was told something beautiful, which I think is great, and it's about the flower of life.

    Many of you have such a pendant or sticker. We all ordered it a little while ago and I also have it on my car and I have coasters of it and I also have pendants. And I know many of you also have the pendant.

    Yes, the flower of life is a wonderful protection against these electromagnetic radiations, simply in that it strengthens and also raises the body's own energy field. So again, something to raise the vibration and the frequency within ourselves.

    I think this is another wonderful tip, which you can easily apply and where everyone can then also decide for themselves - do I need it or do I not need it.

    I wanted to pass that on to you because for me it was such an aha experience. I had lost sight of the Flower of Life a bit, had not worn the necklace for a long time, have coasters and, as I said, the sticker on the car or as a window picture, but I forgot a bit how valuable the Flower of Life is.

    Then came something else - also something really great, I must say, which also opened my eyes again. In my treatments, I am very much in the human energy field while cleansing but I am becoming more and more aware that the physical body is also very important. And when people come with pain, I often get the pain out of the body. The other day there was someone who had insane knee pain and could hardly get up the stairs. And after the cleansing and treatment, his pain was gone.

    So I know how strong the power is to physically move a lot. And we always realize how important the physical body is. 

    Yes, and the information that came was about our body's own water. We consist of seventy or eighty percent water and it is important to clean this water. This water is so important for all organs, for everything that makes up the physical body. Yes, that was again a very valuable realization for me, how important it is to pay attention to this water during cleansing, so that we are really well supplied and the organs can also work wonderfully, that the tissue fluid - everything is part of it - and that the cells are well cleansed - simply everything.

    I don't have any words yet, I also have to let it set properly for me and I wanted to pass it on to you while it is still so fresh. 

    So, two wonderful tips and I think you can also do a lot with it, especially with the flower of life.

    So, now I wish you a wonderful weekend, wonderful, powerful days. For this reason, the message came today. I think that also makes a lot of sense so that we really use the days and are present and conscious.

June 14th 2020 Aaron

Use the portal days to raise your vibration!

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    Good morning, surface humans.

    I greet you.

    Yes, I wanted to come and speak to you today. We also feel the portal days. Even though we are very far away from you. 

    Our planet gives us these wonderful, powerful rays and we are very happy for this energy that comes to us and brings us further and further, just like you.

    They are very strong, also today, very very very strong and I would like to draw your attention to be mindful with you, mindful and loving. Mindful and loving, also to your thoughts. Feel what is coming today and give in to the feeling. When you need rest, rest. If you are full of energy, do something nice. Go outside, go into nature. Sit down. Sit down on Mother Earth. Feel the energies. Connect yourselves. Connect with the meridians of Mother Earth. 

    I tell you once again. I will not tire of it. It is immensely important to raise your vibration, to equalize your frequency. Only in this way will you progress. Only in this way, you will become more and more luminous. And only in this way you are protected from everything that happens around you.

    And believe me, it happens, even if it is quiet, right now. It is still happening.

    Don't think that it will become normal again. Nothing is going back to normal and that's why you are needed. 

    We feel a certain lethargy. Maybe you are resting. But be attentive. It is still happening around you. There is something going on and it continues.

    And that's why I keep coming back to say to you: 

    Raise your vibration.

    Be mindful that you have pure thoughts within you, that your heart is open.

    Stay awake.

    Stay awake and mindful.

    And enjoy the energies today. Enjoy them and apply them.

    You know, we sense exactly what is going on with you. And when I speak to you, when I am allowed to speak, I want to encourage you but also move you towards the truth. 

    Recognize the truth behind everything.

    You are being - I'm sorry to say it - you are still being manipulated.

    Yes, it is calm, but only on the surface.

    Yes, dear ones, that's it for today.

    I will be back. I'll be back to give you more tips, to continue to take you by the hand.

    I will be back.

    See you soon.

    Your loving Aaron from the Inner Earth.

June 3rd 2020 Archangel Gabriel

The change must happen in you!

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    Hello, you lightsparks. 

    I greet you, Archangel Gabriel.

    And I am happy to speak a few words to you. Thank you for that.

    What do you feel? What is going on with you? How does it feel?

    We, in the Universe, have a bird's eye view. And sometimes, quite honestly, we shake our heads and wonder: what's going on? What is happening?

    Yes, we see the plan. We know what's supposed to happen. But you guys are in a lot of chaos.

    We see you all, all together, and sometimes we can only wonder. What is going on, we wonder. So many people have awakened but more are needed. What is going on? Why do some people just look down and do what they are told and don't question it? 

    We don't understand. And that's why I'm here, once again here with you, and I want to shake you up.

    Yes, I realize, you who are listening, you are wondering the same thing. But it's so important that you guys keep going. It is so important. 

    Come out. That's a beautiful word.

    Say what you think, what you feel.

    You feel the truth. Speak it out. 

    Take your fellow human beings with you on your path.

    Only in this way it can get more luminous. When it is full of light, all lies come out. They are seen through. They come to light, as they say.

    The truth is so powerful and it wants to be seen and felt. 

    You lightsparks, become active without fighting - your tool is love.

    Become lovingly active. 

    And I can tell you, you have not only us as support or the wonderful, highly spiritual people in the Inner Earth. 

    Think about your ancestors. 

    Your ancestors can help you.

    Your ancestors are very wise. Tap into the wisdom of your ancestors. 

    Ask them for help. 

    Your ancestors have a lot of power, courage, strength.

    Many resources are waiting for you from your ancestors, so many positive things. 

    And it is very easy to get in touch with your ancestors. They are in your aura. They are waiting for you.

    Maybe it is easier to get in touch with your ancestors than with us or with the Inner Earth. Because you know that the ancestors, yes, they were there, they are your relatives, people. With us, with everyone from the spiritual world, you are not so sure. I know that, we all know that. Only those who can feel, sense and see us are fully confident in us. But everyone else is not so sure. We know that and we respect it and accept it and that's why we only come if you want us to.

    I just wanted to tell you that today, you beloved lightsparks. This was important.

    Remember your ancestors.

    And take care, keep trusting, keep going, go your way. It will be worth it.

    The old will not come back.

    You are in change and the change can only take place in you, in each individual.

    Look within. Clean up. Go into the transformation, into the change. And thus you take your fellow human beings by the hand, live it out for them. And only in this way can change happen, can the new time come.

    Be patient with yourselves, with your fellow human beings, but have faith. You are on the way.

    And now take care.

    See you soon, I will be back, you lightsparks.

    We love you.

May 25th 2020 Aaron

You are in the middle of the transformation!

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    Hello, it's me, Aaron.

    Yes, I am with you once again.

    My brothers and sisters felt I had to come to you once again and tell you how proud we are of you. Of you who are listening here now and of many, many more.

    You cannot imagine how many people have woken up. A lot is clearing and we are full of joy. A lot is clearing. Many people see behind it, see through the intentions. It is becoming clearer and clearer, purer and purer. The truth is very close and that makes us happy. We're glad because we know what it feels like, what the time feels like that you're in.

    And so, again and again, we are there, we support you, we give you strength and courage. And our wonderful friend Melchizedek is there. Call him. He can do miracles. Trust.

    You are such wonderful creatures and finally, finally, the time has come. The change is here. You are in the middle of it. Stay in the trust. Stay with your visions. Have the courage to go through the labor pains. It is worth it, I keep saying it to give you courage.

    There will be great changes but your longing will be satisfied. Your longing for connectedness, for communities, for alternative energies, for another system of energy exchange. It is high time.

    Yes, Mother Earth thanks you. Thank you, because she is in the process of becoming healthy. So much is transforming. Such a big change and you are in the middle of it. Do not give up. Keep going. Stay in love. Stay connected. You need each other. This is very important. You all need each other. And all of you are important. Each one has a special gift. Live it. Look within. 

    Your working life will also change. Your gift will show you the way. It will be wonderful, I can promise you that.

    Dear ones, that's it for today.

    We love you, surface humans, and we are full of anticipation.

    See you soon, your loving Aaron, your loving Inner Earth.

    Take care.

May 18th 2020 Archangel Gabriel

The wheat separates from the chaff!

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    Hello, dear lightsparks.

    It's me, Archangel Gabriel.

    I have not been with you for a long time, it feels like a long time. But I am with you, always. And so I always get what is happening. We all get what is happening with you.

    At the moment you could think that it is quiet, that it is settling down, that your old life is coming back. But we believe that the old life is not coming back. A new one is coming but it will be much more beautiful, don't worry.

    Yes, what do I have to tell you? Today is about doing a little bit of enlightenment. It's so interesting what we hear from you, the interpersonal tensions. And we often hear you say: the wheat is separating from the chaff.

    That's true, that's exactly what it is. But that doesn't mean that the wheat is better than the chaff. Both are needed, both are important. The wheat feeds you and the chaff is used elsewhere, for example for the animals, they are grateful. And for many other things as well.

    Yes, it is true, the chaff separates from the wheat. That's exactly how it is. Many are separating at the moment because your opinions differ, but that is also important and that is normal.

    And so I also wanted to say something about us. 

    You on Earth, you lightsparks, you humans, you think with us, where I live, there are hierarchies. But it is not like that, you are wrong. We are all the same, no matter what we call ourselves. Ascended masters, angels, archangels, princes of light, it doesn't matter, we are all the same. And every single one of us is powerful, is important and is needed. Each one with his vibration, with his function, serves the whole. No one is more, no one is less.

    And it should be the same with you. No one is more, no one is less. The chaff is important as is the wheat. 

    Even your friends in the Inner Earth are all the same. They have understood. They don't need a government, they don't need anyone to rule over them, because they live in unconditional love. And then you don't need anyone to lead, because in love everyone is equal. 

    And that should be your goal. I think we keep saying it. Work on yourselves. Your goal should be unconditional love and the more people come there, the more peaceful, the more harmonious and the more beautiful it will be on Earth.

    You who are listening, you can imagine it, I know that. You have a longing for it and you will take many with you. And this is the new time and therefore the old life will not come back. Something new is emerging and when you have gone through all the pains, the new is there. Look forward to it, it is worth it.

    You are on a good path.

    Connect with Mother Earth.

    Connect with each other.

    Live the love.

    And that's what I wanted to share with you today and I thank you for allowing this to happen. 

    Take care of yourselves.

    See you soon, your Archangel Gabriel.

    You can also just say, Gabriel. It's all right, everything is allowed to be.

May 13th 2020 High Priest Melchizedek

We see a great confusion among you!

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    I am the High Priest Melchizedek. 

    I am here today because I, or rather we, feel that you need more support.

    We in the spiritual world sense a great confusion among you. Many are already on a good path and very confident but many, far too many, are confused.

    Your so-called rulers are confusing you.

    This is intentional, dear ones.

    I don't know if you know me.

    I, Melchizedek, am responsible for the Inner Earth, for Mother Earth, Lady Gaia and for the beings, your friends, of the Inner Earth.

    Thousands of years ago there was chaos in the Inner Earth as there is now with you. At that time we, my brothers and sisters, helped them, supported them in their ascension. At that time we had a lot of work and we needed many helpers to stop this chaos, to save the light workers, to lead them to the truth.

    I am the one who takes care of black magic, manipulations and foreign energies.

    Inner Earth was also very affected by this and it was a hard way until their ascension. Now they are in the ninth DImension and live unconditional love. I don't know if they know that they are already in the ninth dimension. They are wonderful, loving, luminous creatures and they care very much about you. They want to help you and they have asked me to come to you and support you.

    Now I am here. Since the last portal day I am here on your Earth, among you. You hear right, I am among you. I don't do that often, but I feel the importance. I help you to reach the truth. 

    There are still many veils to fall, but you will be amazed how easy it will be to see behind it all. I protect you. I make sure that no black magic can reach your energy field. I make sure that you become even more awake and follow your feeling, if you want it, if you are ready for it, only then. Your will is sacred to me, is sacred to all of us.

    With every decision, ask your heart. Don't let everything happen to you. Become courageous. Do what is right for you.

    Many of you have been working for many years and we have often heard you say: We must drop the masks, show our true face. And what are you doing now? You are being asked to wear masks. Strange, isn't it?

    Become brave, but peaceful, without fighting.

    Do everything you do, say or decide with love. The time of change is full of love, and only through love can the change come that you all long for, right?

    My brother Gabriel calls you lightsparks. I like that. Lightsparks, sounds beautiful.

    We see your light, sometimes bright, sometimes flickering. Then we are worried whether you can stay with yourself and then we are happy when it becomes bright again and we are happy when more and more lightsparks come.

    So, dear ones, I dwell among you. And if you need me, call for me. Your decision.

    You can decide when you need me and how. 

    And you know, the Inner Earth helps you and all my brothers and sisters help you, are with you. We are here.

    Now I say goodbye to you and thank you for letting me speak. Thank you for listening. I am looking forward, I am curious to see what happens, you dear lightsparks.

May 8th 2020 Aaron

There are many emotions showing up at the moment - see them as your guide!

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    Hello, surface humans.

    I hope you like it when I address you like this. We like it very much, in the Inner Earth. 

    Yes, we are with you, I have said it many times. We notice your actions and we are proud of you. So many who connected yesterday with the meridians of our beautiful planet, so many. It was wonderful for us to witness that. And we also get how strong this energy was and still is. It will continue to resonate for a few days.

    Your frequency is very high right now. You have to be able to deal with it. We feel, we notice that many emotions come up. Accept them gratefully. 

    Your emotions show you the way. They belong to you. They show you the way, the way inward. Again and again, look within.

    The high vibration that comes on the portal days is very valuable, but also very powerful.... Be gentle with yourselves. Be humble. Be humble to your emotions. Embrace them and look and ask what they are trying to tell you.

    You have awakened. You have great realizations. But never forget how important your emotions are. 

    Your emotions want to be healed. It is important for the next dimensional shift.

    Many of you are in the fourth dimension. Some of you take a step back every now and then, but that's perfectly fine too. Do it at your pace. 

    And the fourth dimension is about bringing the emotions into transformation. And this is not quite as easy as it sounds. 

    It's old beliefs that are blocking you. They want to be looked at, changed, dissolved, transformed, so that the way becomes free into the fifth dimension, into this wonderful dimension of love. 

    Without love, you can't move forward. It is, you know it, the strongest force on our planet.

    Love is so strong and so powerful. And it wants to be lived, with every fiber of your body, soul and spirit. It is very important.

    Live the love with yourselves and live a peaceful togetherness. Treat each other with love. Connect with each other. Connect also with your vision. I have already suggested it to you once. 

    Your vision will go outwards very strongly and it will have an effect. 

    Connect with each other, dear ones. Be happy that you have each other. And there will be many more. You will find each other. You will find each other through your heart. 

    Love will guide you and lead you and bring you together, so that you don't have to talk much anymore but just look at each other and you know what it's all about. Believe me, it is worth it. It is beautiful to arrive there.

    Look at your emotions. Be humble with yourselves and with the energies. Be patient. Monday is the next portal day and you can continue to practice. And you will progress step by step. This is what helps you to raise your frequency, your vibration, your light. And it is already quite bright, we see that. You are getting brighter and brighter. Every now and then it darkens a little bit but as soon as your heart opens, it becomes bright again. It is exciting for us to be there, to witness it.

    We are very proud of it.

    Now I say goodbye. 

    I thank Cornelia Dagmar that I was allowed to speak these words to you.

    See you soon, you beloved earth surface humans.

April 29th 2020 Aaron

Connect with your meridian system and with that of Mother Earth to raise your frequency!

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    I greet you, dear surface humans.

    Here is Aaron once again and I thank you that I may also share something with you today.

    We in the Inner Earth, we are with you. I say it again and again. It is very important to us that here with you, up here, there is peace again someday.

    And until then, I would like to tell you again and again something that will bring you further.

    You are all ready. You have woken up. You see your light. And this light may become even bigger. Your light is needed and we want to help you with that.

    It is always about your vibration. 

    Your vibration, your frequency must become very high, but at your pace. Be patient.

    And what I want to share with you today will bring you further, if it is right for you. Always feel inside of you. Open your heart wide and feel if what we are advising you is right for you. 

    You must know that your planet is also our planet. What goes on up here also affects us. Yes, we notice it when it is dark up here. 

    Thousands of years ago it was the same for us. And we also got help from other planets. Without them, we would not have managed to ascend. Now we live in paradise. With us it is beautiful. Our planet Earth is beautiful. 

    And in order for Mother Earth to become completely healthy again, we, you, the Upper Earth, we all have to help. You are all needed. And your frequency helps Mother Earth, helps everything that lives up here, all plants, all animals, all crystals, everything.

    And so I want to share something with you today, something very important.

    Maybe I'm going to expand a little bit. 

    You have your physical body and you have your energy body. And your energy body is very important for your well-being, for your physical body. And you have chakras, just like Mother Earth has chakras. You are connected through the chakras. And you have meridians, energy pathways, and that's what we're talking about today.

    Mother Earth also has meridians, energy pathways. You call them ley lines. And these ley lines are also very important for you. They are all over the planet and they give energy to Mother Earth, just like the chakras. The meridians are wide. You can go to them. Some of them cross and where they cross the energy is a thousand times higher. They are power places. And all around you, there are power places. Maybe you feel it when you are in nature. You are becoming more and more sensitive and can feel it.

    And now I will tell you what will help you. Connect with the meridians of Mother Earth through your meridians. You can do this in your thoughts. You don't have to know where these ley lines are. But if you are interested, look them up, seek them out. But right now it is difficult. Therefore, connect in your mind with the meridians of Mother Earth.

    The energy is very very high and through the connection you will make, even more light will flow into you and wonderful things will happen. 

    More and more wisdom will gradually come into you, because then you will be properly connected to the morphogenetic field, to the Akashic Chronicle of Mother Earth. 

    And little by little wisdom will come to you. 

    And little by little you will know what your calling is.

    You all have wonderful gifts and everyone is incarnated here with another wonderful gift.

    And you are all needed. 

    Your light is needed so that the dark that is on your planet right now can diminish.

    Your light will displace it.

    And that is why it is so important for us to support you and give you advice so that you become more and more light and your frequency increases more and more.

    Connect with the meridians of Mother Earth. 

    Do this humbly, gently, and have patience.

    Take small steps.

    Meditate for a few minutes every day and imagine that you are connected, your energy pathways with the energy pathways of Mother Earth.

    This is very important, very valuable, very powerful.

    Dear surface humans, save Mother Earth, save yourselves, stay in trust, let your light shine.

    That's it for today. 

    I thank you for allowing me to share this.

    See you soon.

April 24th 2020 Lord Sananda

New perspective - your karma may be dissolved!

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    I greet you, dear human beings.

    This is Lord Sananda of the White Brotherhood.

    I would like to share with you something that may also help you, which will lead to increasing your light within you.

    A different way of looking at things can change your consciousness and I want to give you a new way of looking at the situation you are in.

    Maybe you can't accept it yet, but feel what I want to say to you now. Feel how it comes across to you, what it does to you.

    I tell you, human beings, you are in a process, you know that. In a crisis, in a not-so-easy time. But you are also being given a huge gift. You hear correctly, you are receiving a huge gift, you are just not aware of it yet.

    The people, what do you call them, the rulers, the masterminds, the elite, who are orchestrating all this that is going on? They've been at it much longer. They're building up a huge karma. They're creating, maybe that's the wrong term, a huge karma. Every single person who's part of it. The karma is getting bigger and bigger. And this karma, what they are charging themselves with - and here it comes, the important thing - through this, the karma of all the people who are suffering from what is being done to them - the deprivation of freedom, the encroachment on human rights, on human dignity - for all these people, their own karma is being reduced, made smaller or even completely dissolved.

    That is the gift that you are being given right now. Look, look at it from this perspective. Nobody is aware of that. Your rulers are not aware of that but we are. All of us who are following this, who are helping you, who are there, we, we see this. And it is very important for you. Be aware of it.

    Your karma can be resolved now. 

    You are in the middle of it. It's a huge gift. It is wonderful. It will set you free, redeem you and make you strong. You will come through the travails, through the waves. It will make you strong and full of light, this knowledge.

    That's what I wanted to share with you today.

    Process it. See what it does to you.

    Go inside, feel. Does it feel like freedom? Is a weight being lifted from you? Feel and then let the feeling spread out into your whole system. 

    Look within. Maybe now you can see your light even better.

    Dear human beings, we love you more than anything and we are here.

    See you soon.

April 19th 2020 Lord Sananda of the White Brotherhood

5G - Your light and your frequency is your protection!

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    Yes, I greet you, dear human beings.

    And I am happy that I can once again share something that is important to me, that is important to us in the white brotherhood.

    All of your focus right now is on the virus. All the consciousness is flowing there, to your limitation or limitations. 

    And in the background there is still 5G, the rays of 5G and they are still there and they are spreading.

    Yes, and these rays are worse than the virus but I want to take away your fear of it, of the 5G rays, of the WLAN rays, of the cell phone rays. And for that, I have to back up a little bit. 

    You are distracted from the virus right now, from everything that is happening in the background. And this is done on purpose. But you are in the process of waking up and you are becoming a little bit more awake every day. 

    Or: What is waking up?

    You suddenly look behind the events, behind the veils. 

    You recognize lies. 

    You feel the truth.

    You see through manipulations.

    You become awake, exactly, you become awake. You think: What is happening?

    You are supported in your awakening by the vibration from the universe, especially on the portal days and by the spiritual world, by us, by the beings of the Inner Earth, and infinitely many light beings from other planets.

    And through this great awakening, you become more and more lightful, because one light after the other dawns upon you.

    Yes, you are becoming more luminous. Allow it to happen.

    And this process is called enlightenment.

    It is no more and no less, this enlightenment. 

    And this light, which is spreading more and more within you, will protect you from the 5G rays.

    This is very important to know. 

    Your light, if you allow it to become more and more lightful, you have the best protection from everything negative.

    And therefore use the Corona time for it, for the transformation.

    Inform yourselves, become awake and more awake, and nourish the light in you. 

    You have also discovered the vibration of numbers. They also increase the light in you.

    The light in you protects you from the negative rays, I say it again.

    It is worthwhile, dear ones, to look within, to come into the fourth dimension, and to wake up more and more. And when more and more people become aware of this, then nothing can happen to you, then you are powerful without end.

    Your light is your tool against evil.

    Then no virus can harm you anymore, no rulers, no rays, no black magic, no vaccination, and no manipulations.

    Your own light becomes your protection and your light is the tool that you have within you.

    You may be aware of that. Allow that to flow into every cell within you.

    Strengthen your vibration, your frequency. We have told you many times. It is very important.

    With this you have protection, the best protection there is.

    And connect with each other. You will find each other, all of you who are in the same vibration and together you will move many things and you will take other people with you.

    That was my message for today.

    Nourish your light. Look within. You have the best protection you need.

    I say goodbye to you now and I am very grateful that I could make this announcement.

    See you soon, dear human beings.

    We are with you. We support you.

April 14th 2020 Aaron

You are in labor pains. Let go of the Old and Familiar!

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    Yes, dear ones, I am back, Aaron. 

    And it's true, I'm pushing Cornelia Dagmar to serve as a channel, even though she doesn't always want to. But it is so important. It is so important. I have such important things to tell you. And I have said yes, I am with you. All of us from Inner Earth are supporting you in this transformation and you are in a transformation.

    What I want to tell you today is that there is a great change coming and it will last. And my desire is to prepare you. Our desire is to prepare you for what is coming but to stand by you that you remain in trust.

    There is a change coming and the more you have prepared, the easier it will be. 

    It was clear that it could not go on like this. It was clear to all of you. And now you are in the middle of it, but it will happen step by step. 

    And therefore, give up your resistance. 

    Try to let go of the old, in your thoughts already, let go of the old, familiar. 

    Believe me, it will not be like it was. Something new will come. Something new will come, which may not be so easy at the beginning, because letting go of the old, the familiar, habits, is difficult for you humans.

    I say again: Give up the resistance. Accept it. Start from the inside, then it will be easier. Resistance only makes it difficult. And remain in trust, as before.

    This change has announced itself. 

    This crash, as you call it, had to come. 

    And only if the old is let go, the new can come. And you are co-creators, you are just not yet aware of how powerful you are.

    Therefore, look within. Dissolve what needs to be dissolved, what still stands in the way, so that the new can come.

    That was very important to me to tell you today, to prepare you.

    New things will come. 

    And where you are now is not an easy time. But you can do it. You are ready.

    You have woken up and you will wake up a little bit more every day. 

    Rejoice. Great things are coming.

    But before that, like a birth, you have to go through labor. Yes, see it as a birth, painful, but worth it.

    Yes, I am Aaron, your friend. We follow everything in the Inner Earth because we have experienced exactly the same. I tell you again and again. 

    We are there. We support you.

    And now I say bye-bye. 

    See you soon.

April 12th 2020 Archangel Gabriel

Remember your old knowledge - your power!

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    Hello, beloved child of light. Hello, you wonderful light sparks. It is me again. I felt the need to come to you once again.

    It is so important, all that you have heard so far. We are receiving everything. Your contact with the Inner Earth. We are very happy about that. These wonderful light beings in the Inner Earth that are coming to you now and helping you. Accept the help.

    The connection to the Atlantean energy. Remember your origin. From here comes a lot of ancient knowledge. Accept it. It comes to you if you allow it, allow it.

    And we, all from the spiritual world, are at your disposal. 

    Think about your creative power.

    Think about what you have to give.

    You are all needed now. All of you are needed.

    All those who are already awake are needed.

    Think about your tools. Everything is at your disposal.

    Open your heart. Let your light out. Send it out.

    The world needs you, light sparks. You are light sparks after all. 

    Think about it. Everyone is needed.

    You are creators. You are powerful.

    Look within. What is blocking you? You have heard it. Look within, at your blocks. You are in the transformation time. Dissolve them, they are blocking you. 

    You are in a time that is not easy, you know that. And it is all the more important: Reflect, you light sparks. Open your heart. Let your light out. Reach out to your fellow human beings. Smile at them.

    Yes, and I'll tell you again, you've heard it before: Keep checking on your energy. Raise your frequency and then be in your center and powerful without end. And we are there. We strengthen you, we support you if you want it. We are there. Reflect. 

    You have time to work on yourselves now. Use this time. Go outside and go inside.

    I know we are repeating ourselves but I also know how important it is. You know it too, you call it affirmation.

    Reflect. You are powerful, creators, you light sparks. And it's so beautiful, there are more and more. When we look at you, it sparkles. 

    You light sparks, you penetrate the dark without being aware of it.

    Yes, that's it for today.

    I say goodbye.

    See you soon.

April 9th 2020 Aaron

Transform the program "I am not mighty" within you!

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    Greetings to you who are listening. I had the feeling to assist you a little bit, to help you.

    We hear what is happening with you. Everything comes to us, every vibration. And my brothers and sisters said: Aaron, go again, help them. 

    And so I am here, you dear humans, surface humans. 

    You all have a truth organ, every single one of you. It's just not active sometimes.

    The truth organ is your heart center. 

    Open it so that you can feel - so that you can feel yourselves above all. This is important.

    Look inward, not just outward.

    Look inside to see what's going on.

    You have a program inside of you and that is my main message for you today. We feel there is a program inside of you. Look at it. 

    The program of NOT BEING POWERFUL.

    This program is in almost all of you.

    Release it, delete it, transform it.

    It blocks you. 

    It blocks the morphogenetic field.

    It blocks.

    Every single one of you, look inside, feel: do you have this program in you?

    It's no use saying, "I have the power." if this program is blocking you. It may be dissolved forever. Because each and every one of you is powerful. And all you lightworkers, you are needed, with your self-power, self-responsibility. That is important. 

    And then, join together.

    Form a vision, a common vision. How do you want your world to be? 

    You are creators, you have power.

    And together you are strong.

    Form a unified vision. It must be in your field. This is the means that is needed so that something can change now. So that all those who think like us - and there are many, believe me, there are many - that all those who think like you are supported. 

    Your power increases. This is very important.

    Your truth organ knows it if you have this program in you. Feel inside. Be very mindful and dissolve it. Now is the time.

    And that's what I wanted to share with you today. And I will be back. I am with you and so are my brothers and sisters.

    Stay in trust and all will be well.

    Maybe your vision should be - I hear this sentence more often with you - FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL.

    This is a wonderful vision and it fits into the new time. It fits your ascension.

    We also live this way.

    Take care. I will come again.

    And dissolve your program.

    See you soon.

April 5th 2020: Archangel Gabriel

Many are waking up. A lot of helpers will come to you. Take a look at your issues!

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    I greet you, children of the Earth.

    I am Archangel Gabriel. You all know me and I know you. We all from the spiritual world know you and we are here, we are around you, we are with you. We are with you in this time that you are in now. 

    And become aware: 

    You all chose to be there at this time. It was your decision.

    And your soul has been prepared for this for a long time. 

    And I can only say that you are wonderful Earth people. Or is that the wrong name? Earth people? 

    You are wonderful light people. And that's how we see you. In the dimension that we are in, in this plane, you are like sparks of light. 

    And it's beautiful for us to see how many sparks are coming in now. There are more and more light sparks. 

    And that has to do with the fact that more and more people are waking up. The awakening is very present with you at the moment. The ascension wave, as you call it, yes, these energies are coming from the cosmos and they want to help you. Get involved with it.

    Inform yourselves. Feel into yourselves.

    Many are waking up. There are more and more sparks that we see. And that makes us happy. We are very happy about what is happening with you right now. We know it is hard. And we know that many of you do not find it difficult. They are rejoicing, you are rejoicing. 

    Finally, it's happening. Finally, the time has come. 

    That which has been predicted for so long, by ancient cultures. They knew that. 

    Something is going to come.

    And the Earth will change.

    And the people, the animals, the plants, everything will change.

    New animals will come to you as helpers. And you will realize that the animals are wonderful messengers. They are equal.

    New plants will come. And all of them you can eat. You can feed yourselves from your Mother Earth. The most precious, delicious plants will come. Look forward to it, because you are reflecting at the moment. You are aware of what you need to eat, what makes you light.

    Go into nature. Nature has many messages for you. Every plant has information for you. Be mindful, be aware of what you encounter. Accept it as a sign.

    Every plant has beautiful, wonderful information.

    You light sparks, stay in trust, go your way and take some with you on your way.

    Stay in humility and gently take your fellow human beings with you, carefully, consciously.

    Know that everyone stands somewhere else.

    Many are in the third dimension, also of you.

    Many are just leaving the third dimension and going into the fourth, and the fourth dimension is very important because here you are presented with your issues. This is where transformation happens. Be very aware, the fourth dimension is important. And all those who now accept their issues, work on them, will come to the fifth dimension. But don't be in a hurry. Don't forget the smallest issues that want to go into healing. It is important. Only then you can come to the fifth dimension.

    And something wonderful is waiting for you there. Paradise is waiting there, unconditional love. There is no judging, no condemning. No, there is connectedness, togetherness. There, in the fifth dimension, you are all equal. Also, the animals, because also the animals rise, develop. And many will understand the animals, their language. Partly you can already, but more and more will come. 

    And there will be more and more who understand the plants. Look forward to that.

    But be aware, the fourth dimension is important. Look at what is going on inside of you, what is not yet in balance, what still wants to be looked at.

    You are in a wonderful time.

    As soon as you become aware of it, you are already coming into healing.

    Because you are in the time of awakening and you will become aware of what it is all about faster and faster.

    You are waking up. The veils are falling. You are waking up.

    And I am happy that I was allowed to talk to you once again, to talk to you.

    See you soon, dear light sparks.

    And I am happy about every new light that I or my brothers and sisters discover.

    Take care.

    We love you, unconditionally.

April 4th 2020: Rufus from Atlantis

Soul parts with the old knowledge are coming back.

  • Transcription

    I greet you, you Atlanteans. 

    Exactly you, who now hear this message. You are meant. 

    Yes, you are meeting now. You are coming together. You have been together for a long time. 

    Cornelia is aware of it. She has been opening chakras - Atlantis chakras - for a long time. 

    You are coming together to make a difference. 

    Be aware: 

    The Atlantis energies want to come to you. And the old knowledge wants to come to you. You still have a connection to Atlantis. Parts of souls are still there and they are connecting with you at the moment. They want to be integrated. 

    Accept it. Accept your old knowledge. It is needed. 

    Your world is changing. And this knowledge that you had then, each his own, wants to come back. It is very important. Be ready. Accept it. It is needed. 

    You don't know yet what will happen to you. I just tell you, be in trust and your old knowledge will be needed. 

    You will see it in the course of the year or the next years. You will be grateful when you have your old knowledge back. You need it. 

    And your fellow human beings, take them with you. All of you who are ready. Take them with you on your way. Many are needed. Many are needed. 

    This is what I want to share with you today. 

    I am Rufus and I thank you for these words coming to you.

April 1st 2020: Aaron

Raise your vibraion - go into nature. Keep the faith!

  • Transcription

    I greet you, lights on the Upper Earth. 

    I am an emissary. 

    I am Aaron and I come from the Inner Earth. 

    I have been sent to communicate something through this medium from time to time. And also today I want to tell you something. 

    Stay in trust. 

    Connect with each other. 

    Raise your vibration. 

    Raise your frequency. 

    Now you want to know how to do that?

    There are many possibilities. A few possibilities are not possible now, because you can not come together. But that will come again. 

    Stay in trust. Connect with Mother Earth, with us. And you will raise your vibration. Go outside as often as you can. Connect yourselves. 

    We give you a lot of power through the soles of your feet. We send our love to you and your vibration increases. 

    But before that, shake off everything, shake off everything that does not serve you. Mother Earth has shown you how. Weeks ago, very strong storms came to you. Mother Earth shook herself. She has shaken off everything that is holding her back in her ascension. And she did not let herself be stopped from ascending. Her energy is very high. Follow her lead. 

    Shake yourselves. 

    Shake yourselves. 

    Purify yourselves. 

    Purify yourselves. 

    Empty yourselves. 

    And raise your frequency. 

    Yes, how can you do that? You, who may be alone. 

    Listen to music with very high frequency. It exists, inform yourself. It opens your heart and it flows into your whole system. 

    Take care of your body. The temple of your soul. Take care of it. Go into body consciousness. 

    Eat nutritious food. Allow the joy of eating. Enjoy. This also raises your vibration. Eat light. You will find what you like. Your body will tell you. Listen to your body. 

    Shake off everything. Connect. Dance. 

    You can dance alone, too. Sing and laugh. You can laugh alone, too. Laugh. 

    Start appreciating yourself. Let your inner self come out. Get in touch with your innermost being. Your energy increases. 

    It is so easy to stay healthy. It is so easy to come into trust. 

    You have so many helpers around you. Accept them, the help. 

    It's up to you how you get through this time. It is up to you. 

    Believe me, I too, we too in the Inner Earth have experienced this. And that is why I come again and again to help you. If you want it. 

    Thank you, Aaron. 

March 30th 2020: Aaron from Inner Earth

A big change will come. Connect yourselves!

  • Transcription

    Yes, I am Aaron. 

    I am very happy that my words are directed to you here. I am very grateful to Cornelia Dagmar. Yes, I sought her out, sometime last year, because I felt she was a lightworker. A lightworker who does her work from the depth of the heart here on your planet, on Earth. 

    Yes, we have chosen her, Cornelia Dagmar. She was reluctant at the beginning. She was skeptical whether she perceives correctly, but I picked her up. I showed her my home. I think the images are still very present in her. 

    Yes, we from the Inner Earth now visit lightworkers from time to time. We want to help you, help you in this time you are in. A time that is not easy. A time of change. I know how it feels. 

    We have also experienced this time, thousands of years ago. And all those who were there with open hearts survived.

     I am telling you this so that you will always check: Is my heart open? Only with an open heart will you receive the truth. 

    The truth. Feel, feel the truth that is spoken and feel the lies that are told to you. I tell you, there are many lies on the way. 

    Open your heart. Feel the truth. You are needed. You can help your planet. You are needed. Let your light shine outward. Let it shine. 

    When your heart is open, when you are in trust, you shine. 

    Make sure you are pure, pure of heart, without judging anything or anyone. Stay in purity. Remain humble. 

    But know that you are powerful. Your light is powerful. And your light will show the way to others, encourage them to follow you. 

    You are good lightworkers. Yes, you are. And you will go your way. Many will follow you, with open hearts, in trust. 

    Yes, there will be a great change. Yes, it will change. And it will not be easy. But, it is worth it. Work together. 

    Love each other. Have contact, even if it is forbidden. You will find ways. It is important. Work together, meditate together, touch each other. 

    We in Inner Earth know what that means. We have been living in unconditional love for many hundreds of years. But it wasn't always like this, and that's why I know how you feel. 

    We in the Inner Earth know how you are. We have ascended. We have made it, but many of us have not. That is why I am here. That is why I am speaking through Cornelia Dagmar and I will be back. I always come back to help you. 

    Yes, we are here. We are supporting you. Our energy will come to you through the soles of your feet. Connect yourselves. We will give you a lot of strength. Connect with us when you are outside, in nature. Yes, I know you are drawn to nature. Work outdoors if you can. 

    Connect with us and wonderful things will happen. You will feel it. We are connected to you through your feet. 

    In great love. 

    Yes, we love you and we will help you. 

    And I will be back.

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